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The plane ride was terrifying, Eddie sat there shaking worrying. His dad was back in the hospital, for god knows what reason. He arrived quickly heading to the hospital with his mother, he ran up to the front desk. "Uh! Frank Kaspbrak!" The nurse looked at him confused. "Room number?" Eddie groaned. "I didn't get the details! I'm his son, Edward Kaspbrak."

After a couple of minutes, the nurse directed him to the room, where was Sonia you may be wondering? At home on her ass. She didn't want to come with her son to see her now Ex-husband. Almost forbid him from going but, somethings happen.

Eddie ran into the room quickly hugging the man known as his father. "What the fuck happened?!" Frank let out a weak laugh. "Hi, Eds." Eddie gagged pulling back. "Dad, don't call me that. I'm BEGGING you!" Frank raised an eyebrow. "Why? I just thought of it while you were on the plane."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "Cause, other people call me it. Just, Edwards fine, Frank." Frank nodded hugging his child again. "God I missed you." Eddie pulled back whipping his face. "What happened?" Frank sighed. "I slipped, ok? I missed a step. Your grandma helped me. Ok?" Eddie nodded. "Thank god." "Don't say the lords' name in vain, Edward." Eddie smiled sitting down. "Ciao, nonna." (Hello, grandma.) She smiled. "Good boy," Eddie nodded as Frank sighed. "Eddie, you didn't have to come..." Eddie shook his head. "You have me for a week." Frank shook his head. "Eddie...it's not that big of a deal."

Eddie shook his head. "You're hurt, and I missed you..." His grandma sighed rubbing his shoulder. "Frank..." He shook his head. "Mamma, no."


"He has...what?" Richie stammered unable to process the news he was told. "Lung cancer, it's still in its early stages so your dad will hopefully be fine..." Wentworth nodded. "I just gotta quit smoking and stick to surgery, and then chemotherapy." Richie nodded. "When's your surgery?" "Next week, Friday morning." Richie nodded. "Alright uh...is there anything I can do to.-" "Quit with me." Richie rose an eyebrow. "How did you?"

Wentworth dropped the pack of ciggies on the table. "Found them in your room, Richie." Richie nodded looking off. "I uh, yeah...I'll quit if it makes you happy dad." Wentworth nodded with tears in his eyes. "Thank you."


Frank exclaimed. "Mamma! Sto bene! Lo prometto!" (Mum! I'm fine! I promise!) She shook her head. "No! You're not." Eddie stumbled arriving in his childhood home. "Dad." Frank pinched the bridge of his nose. "Eddie, I just don't need you two worrying about me. Let's have fun, as a family. ok?" Eddie nodded. "Fine..." Frank grinned. "How about, you go catch up with that...Apple girl? You and her were close."

Eddie frowned. "Dad, you know I'm..." Frank nodded putting his hands up. "Yes! You two were still friends!" Eddie nodded. "Fine, but seriously! Call me if anything acts up. Nonna, anche tu." (Grandma, you too.) What the hell is with the English and Italian flipping? Well, Alice, Eddie's grandma, was born in Italy. And her first language was Italian, and she just found it easier.


"You're back! Holy fuck I missed my favourite boy!" Eddie laughed pulling back from the girls' warm hug. "How's Maine? Any hot guys?" Eddie went red as it hit him. "Oh shit!" Apple tilted her head grabbing out a not so child-appropriate drink. "What?" Eddie sighed grabbing his face. "This guy! We kinda had this moment the other day! And.- Oh, fuck!"



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Apple laughed. "Stage 5 clinger?" Eddie shook his head. "No, he's actually really? Like, careless?" Apple nodded. "What would he be bad at?" Eddie became red in the face, pulling his shirt up. "We...kissed. There's just something about him, he's like! Electrifying!" Apple nodded. "Mhmm, what's this mystery boys name?" Eddie answered. "Richie, he's a senior." Apples eyes widened. "That's like a two year age gap?" Eddie shook his head grinning. "Nope! He's really smart sooo! He skipped a grade! Like, fuck me up already!" Apple laughed leaning against him.

"You want HIM? To fuck YOU? Are you ok? Last I checked you were so grossed out by even holding hands?" Eddie rolled his eyes. "Shut up, how's you and that...Uh, Jason kid?" Apple rolled her eyes. "He was such a dick, I hope he gets shot." Eddie laughed. "Wow, you've changed." "Ok, slut." Eddie choked laughing. "I'm the slut now?" "Yep! Big fat stinking slut! For this Richie boy."

Eddie covered his face looking off. "Shut the fuck up!"


A/N: When he's crushing on his friends older brother

Friends hot brother.// Reddie AUWhere stories live. Discover now