"Maybe it want to help us-"

"I'm going to cut it here whether you're finished or not-" Jin replies, clearly annoyed and disappointed.

"Wait! I'm about to finish. Bear with it for awhile" Jungkook says.

"Focus on yourself, ignores everything else here" Jin states as he agrees.

"You're wasting time, come here"

"Ignore it" Jin presses.

"You're ignoring me"

"Just continue whatever you're doing, I'm going to handle the rest" Jin says to Jungkook.

When Jungkook decided to fully trust Jin, he closes his eyes focusing only on himself.

"I'm going to hurt him, he makes you ignore yourself"

"You will never hurt him" Jin presses to the voice.

The chuckles from the voice is heard. Jin turns his head left and right searching for the source of the voice. Right at that time, Jungkook yelps in pain when his leg was pulled.

Whatever it is, it is dragging Jungkook away. Jin panics looking at Jungkook being drag so fast that if he lost focus on him, he will disappear from his eyes.

His eyes turn glowing blue eyes. When his hand reach Jungkook's hands, he grips it harder pulling Jungkook with him although there is something pulling Jungkook from the leg. Jin eyes harder at the leg trying to clear his vision to see whoever it is. His other hand is targeting the leg.

He saw the eyes.

Jin saw the eyes, the face of whoever is pulling Jungkook's leg. His heart started to pound painfully in his ribcage. There is no way of what he saw is true. Who is that?

He saw him smirk. The hands at Jungkook's leg grip harder. Why is everything about the man is so dark? His long nails are black. It is so scary to look at but Jin knows better that he needs to make the man let go of Jungkook.

Without even a second thought, Jin attacks the man with his blue glow of the ice. He laughs, the man laughs at him, he laugh harder every time he attacks him.

"Don't challenge me, it will only hurts you"

Jin hears the soft chuckles at the end of the sentence.

"Don't let go of my hand" Jin says to Jungkook as his eyes lock at the man's eyes.

He is smirking once again but this time Jin knows the man is planning something. Jin needs to stop this. He needs to stop his illusion.


The man is gripping onto Jungkook. Jin can't leave Jungkook here alone. At one last thought, Jin aims at the man's heart. Blue glow seep through it and Jungkook is free.

Right after that, both of them are out from his illusion. Jin pants hard the moment he is out from the illusion. He never experience something like that, ever in his life.

The moment Jungkook blinks open his eyes after he gets out from the illusion, he was furious. It was so close, so so close that he almost stop working on his part. He eyes Jin wanted to yell at him whether Sir In Yoo notices them or not, he needs to scold Jin for good.

But then he sees the latter panting on the ground, Jin is no longer standing. Jungkook's eyes wonder on his watch only to see that they wasted so much time on his part rather than the usual practice.

He sees the other two pairs, they are already changing part and who knows how much longer until they finish it but him and Jin? They just got out from the illusion. Without wasting time, Jungkook grabs Jin's hand making the latter stands on his feet.

"We need to hurry" Jungkook presses.

He didn't even let Jin replies as he already work on his silence. Jungkook make a mental note to his mind that after this, right after the evaluation whether it is a long talk or fight, he will confront Jin pouring everything he hold on.

Jin let himself swims into his illusion once again with the silence of Jungkook.

"It's going to hurt you too" the voice laugh at him.

It's the same setting as before. Jin couldn't understand that, he is not supposed to be in this illusion especially alone.

"No matter how far you run, you can't denied me"

"Shut up!" Jin shouts all his might, desperately wants the voice to stop bothering him.

He runs, trying to stay far away from the voice. He runs all his might but the hands grab him on the wrist. It is burning him.

"You can't run away"

Jin looks up to see the figure.

"10 more minutes" Sir In Yoo shouts.

Jungkook is uneasy of that. The other two pairs already finished their task twenty minutes ago but him and Jin didn't. Much worse Jungkook knows that ten minutes is probably not enough for Jin to finish his part.

"You need to make it faster" Jungkook says although he knows Jin is in his illusion.

This is not how it is suppose to work though. Jin needs to allow him enter illusion too during his part but he didn't. Instead, Jungkook keep using his silence although he didn't know what it is like in the illusion.

To Jungkook, this is completely what triggered his anger even more. Jin didn't believe in him. He didn't trust him enough to let him enter the illusion. No matter how shitty and bratty Jungkook is, when it comes to his academic and things that are serious, Jungkook knows how to be serious and become capable of doing the work but with Jin not trusting him, it angers Jungkook.

It was three minutes before it ends that Jin fluttered open his eyes, he is now out from the illusion looking at the anger face of Jungkook in front of him. Jin stumbles back a few steps before tripping down on a stone or maybe it was the uneven grass of the field.

"You didn't trust me."

Jin hears the anger and disappointment in his tone. It was really not like that, Jin has been searching for Jungkook in illusion the whole time wanted him to be close to him only to notice that he is alone in his illusion.

Jungkook takes a few steps ahead, squatting down so that his eyes meet Jin's eyes at the same level.

"You are so irresponsible" Jungkook adds.

Jin wanted to defend himself, he wanted to explain himself but then the ringing in his ears come back. Jin took a few calming breath. This happens so frequent now that Jin finally or should he say that he can calm down enough not to burst?


"Stop it now, I have so much things to say too but not right now" Jin cuts, looking at Jungkook deep in his eyes.

"All the three pairs, gather here!" Sir In Yoo shouts at them.

Jin got back to his feet, him and all the pairs gathered near Sir In Yoo in the matter of seconds.

"All the students can go back now" he says to the other students who were not being evaluated today, waiting them to completely leaving the field.

"I was satisfied with today but there's things that I don't. I'm not going to go through this deeper" Sir In Yoo starts.

They nods in silent.

"Jang Nara, Park In-ha, Lee Jae-myung, Choi Junho and Jeon Jungkook, you may leave now. Kim Seokjin, I have a few things to say but for now, take your punishment"

Just like how Jin expected it to be. Of course he knows he will eventually get the punishment since he was asked to use his illusion instead of the ice. Jin could see how satisfied Jungkook is when his name was mentioned to receive the punishment but to Jin's mood, he looks away from Jungkook.

"Twenty complete rounds of this academy. Starting now until you're finished"

I had my oral presentation live and it was dope 😆 so here is an update for y'all. Have a nice day 💜

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