Chapter Twenty Six

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d i a n a
d e c e m b e r , 1 8 t h

Holiday music played throughout my apartment, my dog peaches wore a little Christmas sweater while petunia had a matching scarf. I had gotten better so I can walk without crutches but if I do that I need to go to physical therapy. Which is fine, I guess. Finneas was over but he went to my shower since he was staying the night. Billie was coming over in a few minutes. We haven't had sex yet, which I find odd, to be honest. She is 18 and has been wanting to have sex with me for a while. At least from my point of view.

"I'm a 21-year-old virgin and I wanted to tap that. That's all." I lie through my teeth and give a vague shrug. She walked towards me with a sultry demeanor.

"I'll take it." My eyes instantly widen and a slight cough rises from my chest. What the fuck did she just say?

Then the next day she said,

"Wow, Jessie huh? But she isn't too young?" She asked with a rude tone sounding a bit hurt.

"You're 17, and straight may I add. By all means, come over on your 18th birthday." I spat at her lowly. I was sick of these games she was playing with me. It wasn't fair in any way. Her eyebrows raise at my tone.

"I'll make sure to do that."

I was fine if Billie wasn't ready, just curious if it was deeper than that. A consistent buzzing starts and I notice it's Finneas's phone on the table. His screen lit up with a picture of him and the girl who was first in my hospital room like a month ago. She was making a goofy face in the photo and so was he. Suddenly it felt like my head was about burst. I groan loudly placing my hand on my forehead as if that will help. My head was pounding. I try to get some Advil or something but I end up falling down letting out a sharp scream. Memories flash through my head.


"You know me?"

"You're my twin sister."

My eyes widen and this is becoming too much for me. I push myself to get up from the floor only managing to kneel.

Luna runs into my arms knocking the wind out of me and causing us to fall.

"I missed you!" She squealed and I felt so happy having my sister in my arms.

I hold on to Finneas who ran to me and tries to help me up. I let out a pained cry it felt like my head was splitting open, tears fill my eyes.

"I got you Di." She whispers as we walk towards the team that determined if my song would be good enough to be released or not. Luna intertwines our fingers and we nod to each other.

"I know Lu"

"Diana!" I hear Billie shout and drop something that I couldn't see but in seconds I feel her arms around me.  I use all my strength to push up from Finneas and hug her tightly.

"I'm here baby, I got you" she spoke softly into my ear and I let out a deep breath. Oh my god, Luna, I met my twin.

"L-Luna" I tried to speak but was out of breath, all I had was a bad headache.

"No Luna later, first you have to rest. That took a lot out of you." Billie nods along with Finneas.

"Okay." Billie helps me walk to the couch and I kiss her with a sense of urgency. I needed her comfort right now. A small smile spreads on her face making my heart flutter in my chest.

"I missed you." She whispered softly before kissing me again.

"Come here" I spoke a bit lowly and pulled her on top of me making her laugh.

"You smell like home." Her words came out a little muffled but I could just barely make it out.

"I smell like your house?" I ask laughing slightly putting a movie on as she laid her head on my chest with her body over mine.

"No, just like home. Like warmth. Does that make sense?" I began to think about what she meant and smiled at her.

"I do. Yeah. What movie?" The remote gets snatched out my hand and it was Finneas who was shielding his eyes.

"Disgusting, I'm putting Chucky on." We all share a small laugh as the intro plays. I rub my fingers through her neon roots making her hum gently.

"I love you, Diana."

"And I love you, Billie."

"Please forgive me." She whispered to me in a broken down tone. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and concern.

"What happened?"

"For future references." I nod my head slowly and continue to rub her head.

I don't know why what I said caused her to let out a small cry but only brushed me and Finneas off; continuing to watch the movie.

"I forgive you, Billie."








september 16 2020 still here little writers block i don't really see much interaction with the book so it's not really motivating me much. idek if people still read this probably not :/ if you do please interact ://

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