Chapter Nine

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I place a soft kiss on my boyfriend's lips, surprising, I know. We are in my car, parked across from Finn's house. Over the past three weeks, I had made friends with Finneas again and Harrison. I also made a boyfriend. Tom. He knows all about Billie and me; he is helping us through everything. Without him or Finn or even Harrison - I don't think moving on would be as easy as it was. I get out, and we immediately intertwine our fingers. Billie hasn't contacted me, thankfully. I was not ready at all. The only reason I agreed to come to Finn's house was that I knew she would be out. We stop at the front door, and Tom faces me with a particular look in his eyes.

"Look, my love, I know this will be hard going into a place with so many memories, but I want to remind you that you are so much stronger than you let yourself believe. You got this." This. This is why I wanted to be with Tom. A smile spreads on my face, and I hug him tightly. I loved being around Tom. He was so wonderful. Our embrace is cut short by Finneas gagging at the sight of Harrison going along.

"Oh god, it's a troll," I insult back and gag jokingly, Tom joining me. We all share a laugh before heading inside, her familiar scent filling the air with a mixture of fresh cookies. I inhale sharply, reminding myself of what Tom and I have been working on. I am okay. I am strong. This was okay. We go to the living room, memories fighting into my mind, but I quickly shake them away. Netflix was already open, and some snacks were out, including cookies.

"This looks cozy as fuck" Tom compliments leading me to the corner seat, and I take my heart on his lap.

"Don't fuck in my living room. I'll be pissed." Finneas jokes, and I smile sweetly, pointing to a blanket he tosses. Tom grabs the blanket around me, which falls onto him as well. I felt like he was Santa, but then again, I wouldn't have sex with Santa. We haven't done it yet, but the sexual tension is there.

"Wait for Haz. Can you pass me the cookies, dear child" I joke, and he laughs, handing them to me and taking his seat beside Finn. We scroll through movies and land on a horror movie called The Terrifier. With a motherfucking clown.

"Alright fuck you guys. It has a clown!" I complain, cuddling into Tom's chest.

"It's alright, babe. I've got you." His sentence put me at ease as we watch the movie. My legs are over Finn's lap, and he holds onto my foot, causing a small laugh to escape my lips.

A scream passes my lips, and I jump up, running away. Laughter is heard in the living room as the movie continues to play. Tom walks to me with a teasing smile on his face.

"Babe." I start, and he smiles, holding my waist, waiting for me to continue. "Fuck that movie!" He laughs and kisses me while his arms are around me tightly. We walk back hand in hand, and we get situated again. "Fuck you guys too" Harrison lets out a laugh tossing me popcorn which Tom catches. I let out another scream and felt goosebumps all over my body. "Finn!" I whined, about to cry. This was horrifying. Once I look up from Toms's chest, my heart drops. There she was, frozen in her tracks. Her eyes never left me.

"Diana-" She starts, and tears prick my eyes. Immediately Finneas stands up, pulling Billie away from me. As soon as she is gone, my eyes won't leave where she once was.

"Diana," Tom calls my name, and I look at him. His eyes are full of understanding. Harrison moves closer, pulling me off Tom's lap and placing me in the middle. They both embraced me in a hug, which I did need. "Baby, you should talk to her. Get the real closure you need." Tom whispers in my ear. He was right.

"Yeah, Ana, it helps so much more than you could imagine," Harrison adds, and they were both right. Was I ready, though? It was about to be a month. I was ready, just scared. I stand. They stand along with me. We walked over to where Finneas was; he looked furious while he scolded Billie.

"Finn, I need to talk to Billie." He looks back at me with raised brows placing a hand on my wrist. I nod, sure of my answer, and he bounces back, walking away. I stand before Billie, my nerves racking before I open my mouth. Harrison steps forward. Tom stood beside him, not letting go of my hand.

"Don't hurt her anymore," Harrison spoke strongly, never breaking contact with her eyes. He walked away to go to Finn. Tom faces me and places a gentle kiss on my lips. Mouthing it's okay before leaving.



"You played me. Don't deny it either."

"You lied! You aren't gay," she replied boldly to me.

"You do not know me anymore, Billie. The only reason I am talking to you right now is for myself. Not you." I continue, my voice getting more robust with itself. It felt good to talk to Billie and not cry. "I am getting my closure. You are straight, but you still used me and played me. I want an apology."

"No. I'm not apologizing for something I'm not sorry for. And by the way, you don't know me anymore either."

"Enough! With the fucking mind games, Billie!" I shout at her placing both hands on her shoulders and shaking her slightly.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." She says lowly, and like that, I felt at peace. She knew what she had done. She acknowledged my feelings and apologized.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for letting me free Billie." She looks up, and I can see her eyes red from the tears falling from her eyes. I don't know why I did what I did, but maybe it was because she needed one. So I pulled her close and hugged her.

"Thank you, Diana. Would we be able to be friends?" She asked softly while we stayed in the embrace.

"With time."


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