The dark blue haired male wearing glasses perked up as soon as she entered the room, he stood from his desk and made his way towards her, calm and composed unlike Akira who was still on the edge of sleepiness.

"I admire you for being early especially on the first day of class." The boy said making slicing motions with his arms (somewhat like a robot) "Of course as students of UA we must be a role model to others, My name is Iida Tenya by the way, nice to meet you fellow classmate of mine!"

The boy, now introduced as Iida offered his hand for her to shake, which she complied a bit hesitant.

"Kaneki Akira," she said giving Iida a curt nod "nice to meet you to Iida -kun"

The male beamed at her urging her to go to her assigned seat which ironically the last.

Seat number 21. She was seated next to a familiar face in which she was thankful for.

Placing her bag beside her, she looked over to Shoto who was looking at her the moment she entered the room.

"Morning Shoto!" She smiled at him in which he hummed in response.



Akira didn't know she dozed off but she was rattled when the sound of arguing made its way towards her ears, having quite sensitive hearing, she looked over to see Iida arguing with an angry ash blond haired boy.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" Said Iida to the ash blond. "It is disrespectful to the school property and your classmates as well!"

She took note that most of her classmates had already arrived.

"What's got that stick up your ass extra?" The ash blond mused, his voice raspy as if he was yelling all the time "Which school did you come from?"

Whilst flabbergasted Iida resumed his introduction. "I graduated from Somei  Academy," he said answering the blond's question. "My name is Iida Tenya."

"Somei huh?" The blond said, as if it was possible Akira could hear him SMIRK the second Iida had uttered his alma mater. "So there's more of a reason for me to end you after all!" He declared taking the boy wearing glasses slightly aback.

" 'end'?!" He quoted in disbelief. "Are you sure you want to be a hero?!"

Before the ash blond could have replied, Iida's attention turned from him to the green haired boy who poked his head into the room.

He was visibly shaking and according to what Akira could smell, his scent comes of as if he was.. nervous? Scared? She couldn't pinpoint it.

However she tuned down their conversation facing her front only to be met with a mop of familiar black hair tied into a ponytail.

"Momo -chan" she called making the girl face her.

"Akira!" The taller girl cheered "I see we are classmates this year?"

The Purple haired girl, ignoring her obvious remark and biting back a sarcastic response, beamed at the female she hasn't seen since the exams.

"I'm glad I won't have to excessively socialize." She said smiling. "Because I already have three people I practically already know."

Shoto raised an eyebrow at her remark, he was reminded on how the purple haired girl was insistent on being his friend the first time they met.

Nevertheless, he let her be, his aloof and stoic expression painted on his handsome face as he let his thoughts wander.

"If you are here to find yourselves 'friends' then I suggest you find another school." A tired voice said from outside their door.

What the class saw was a man clad in black, eyebags visible under his eyes and his yellow sleeping bag making him look like a sleep deprived caterpillar.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down." The man said, slipping out of his sleeping bag, Akira took note of the man's appearance, the look of adoration cross her face which didn't go unnoticed by the heterochromatic male beside her.

"Pro hero Eraserhead!" Akira internally fangirled, the man had occasionally come and go to train her with Midnight during her childhood, one is to prevent her from loosing control of her quirk and two is when she ever loosed control Midnight wouldn't be forced to knock not only her but her Uncle Urie (unintentionally) out.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. It's a pleasure meeting all of you." Mr. Aizawa grumbled, earning gasps of disbelief from most of the students.

Akira sighed "he's the only adult here, why are you all surprised?" She said under her breathe, not being rude but internally face palming, getting the second hand embarrassment from the reaction of her classmates.

He then took out a PE Uniform from his sleeping bag, showing it to the class.

"Wear these immediately then go to the PE grounds."

Akira sighed again.

"Well this is gonna be an interesting first day."

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