"Excuse me? What's your name?"

Right, my name.

"Lilith Shell." I watched as he flipped through the thing again and saw it was covered in other names. Some blank and some with lines through them.

"Hmm, I don't see your name here,"

It felt like the walls were caving in around me. My name wasn't there? It had to be. I twisted my hand together in worry. Maire couldn't have completely forgotten, right? I started breathing faster when he finally said, "Oh wait, nevermind, it's right here I just missed it." A breath of relief escaped my lungs.

"Here you go." He handed me a packet just like Maire's.

I walked over to her and she lead me to the map desk and picking one up, then lead me to another empty desk near the steps and put the papers down so she could laid the map out.
"Let me see your packet so I can mark it." She said, reaching into the bag on her back and taking out a thing just like the guy had. I handed her my packet and she leaned over the map.

I watched as she put numbers from 1, all the way to 11, on the map. They were all across the paper, a lot were in the upper sections of the school. She then went back to my packet and circled something.

"There, all your classes are marked in the order you have them and I circled your locker and combo. Speaking of which I'll take you there now."

She put the yellow thing back into her bag, as well as her packet, handed me the map and my packet, and lead me down a hall that sprouted from the area we were in.

"So.... what's a locker?" I asked.

"It's where you can put your unneeded things like your bag, gym clothes, and different classes books."

"Sounds useful."

"Extremely useful." She lead me past rows and rows of what I guessed were lockers, they were a little taller as I was, blue like the sea, and pretty skinny. I didn't think a bag could fit in there, let alone all the stuff Maire named.

After walking for what felt like forever, Maire stopped at a locker and said, "Here's your locker! Number 1086. My locker is a couple halls over so I'll always be close." She started walking away, probably to her locker when I realized I didn't know how to open it.

"Uh, Maire," she stopped and turned back around, "how do I open it?"

"Right, you've never had a locker before."


Maire helped me open my locker, which she added to my map as '1086', she pointed me in the direction of my first class, science. She made sure I had the right book before she headed off to history. I kept looking up from the map to make sure I was heading in the right direction when I bumped into something.

"Ow." I said as I rubbed my nose. I looked back up and noticed I had bumped into someone not something. "Oh sorry, I'm new here and I didn't know where I was going, I should have been looking out for people."

"Nah, it's okay. I get it." I finally got a look at the face of the guy I ran into. He had fair skin, brown eyes, and matching curly brown hair that looked like an anemone on his head. His uniform was just like mine but the bowtie was long and he had a long skirt that went down to his ankles. He had a strong build like most of the mermen underwater, and made me feel small with my tiny build and the fact that he loomed over me.

He looked down at the map in my hands and asked, "Which class."

"Um, science."

"Oh, I have science too, I was just about to head there." I looked at the guy who had spoken up. He had a similar build, making me think they were both swimmers, with brown skin, Hazel and green eyes, and dark- almost black, hair. He was also a littler shorter than his friend with the same uniform. "I'll take you there...."

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