Chapter 2~Steve

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Three words for you. I hate waking up. Well... four words. But you get the idea. You're all warm and comfy in your bed. But when the sun rays hit my face and I wake, I'm not happy.

I got up and instantly wanted to jump back in bed and go to sleep for a year. But I had to get food, other wise I'll have no chance at surviving. I ate a soft apple for breakfast. I made a mental list of what I need. Milk, pork chops, beef, chicken, apples, and eggs.

I went out to my shed and grabbed a sword stone. I did, in fact, have an iron one. The only iron sword. So I wasn't going to waste it on animals. Stone will work just fine. I placed a slightly used leather helmet on and closed the door behind me.

I went to the forest. The forest was filled with mostly apple trees. But a few birch trees layed here and there. But the leaves here were horrible. You'd have to cut them to get through. I grabbed the leaves and pulled them out of the way, allowing me to get through.

An apple fell at my feet. I picked it up and went on my way. I went deeper and deeper. No signs of animals. It was getting boring fast. I grew hungrier, so I ate the apple I found before.

I took out my sword, and pretended I was fighting off a mob of monsters. "Fwoosh, swish, swosh swoosh!" I imitated the sword's noice.

"Mooo," a faint noise came from the right.

I ran over, finding a cow. After collecting ten buckets of milk, I killed it with no mercy in three swipes. I got leather and beef. I continued further amd found a trail of eggs. After gathering four, I found two chickens and killed them, receiving feathers and chicken meat.

The day went on. Killing cows, chicken, and pigs.

Until I came to one pig.

I gripped my sword, ready to swing, when it turned and looked at me. And I don't mean one of those blank looks I get from other animals, but a look of innocence. Like he knew what was going to happen. I felt bad. Killing this pig who knew he was going to become pork chops in seconds.

I couldn't do it. I dropped the sword and held out my arms, wanting to embrace the corpulent pig. I wrapped my arms around it and laughed as he didn't struggle to get out of my reach. I couldn't believe I was hugging a pig.

I decided to leave it be, so I started on my way home, with plenty of food. But that pig followed me. I didn't complain. I could use some company. I put my sword and helmet in the shed, than dropped off the food (14 beef, 9 chicken, 7 pork chops, 6 eggs, 8 apples, 10 buckets of milk) I got.

I had half the day left.

"What should I do? What can I do?" I thought out loud.

Mining never hurts. I thought. I shrugged and took out my set of leather armor, two stone picaxes, one half used iron pickaxe, and 128 torches. I looked for the pig, but I didn't see it. Maybe he went roaming around. I went to a close, yet unexplored, cave and began placing torches around.

Coal, stone, more coal. I mined the coal. I fought off some skeletons with a wooden sword, and went deeper. I found IRON! I mined a total of 11 blocks. I decided I better get back to my house, so I took my torches back and went home.

I found the pig near my garden. I led him inside the shed and told him I'd come and let him out tomorrow. I went inside and melted the iron to iron ingots. I put it away carefully and ate bread and a slice of cake as an award.

I put in a music disk and danced around happily. I'll make an iron sword and an iron pickaxe. I'll save the rest until I need or get more. I sat down on my couch and felt being watched. I looked out the window and made a choking scream.

"Stupid spider," I muttered as it jumped into my garden, ruining my crops.

I polished my new iron weapons and ate another piece of cake, before dozing off on my bed.

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