Chapter 10~Steve

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I had to harvest more potatoes and carrots for Bert. I swear he's the most ungrateful pig ever! I save him and he kills me by getting his food 24/7!

"Bert, you're on a strict diet! If I catch you eating carrots, potatoes, cake, or cookies without my permission, it's out in the shed, with zombies and spiders, for you!" I say.

Bert looks at me, then quickly runs to my bed and hides under my red blankets. I get a wooden bowl and go outside. I pick some grass and dandelions and put it in the bowl. I crush just a hint of sugar cane on it and put bread crumbs on. I put it on the floor.

"Bert, this will be your lunch every single day until I say your diet's over."

He comes out of my bed and curiously looks at it. He grunts in disgust and goes back on my bed.

"Fine, starve. I put all my food chests on high shelves where you can't get them. Unless you want to eat pork chops," I say.

He does his squeal and I shake my head. I pulled the lever to get out and shut the door behind me. I went to the shed and noticed I had low amount of wood (4 sticks, 17 wooden planks!). I grabbed my stone ax and went to find a nice apple tree.

I chopped it down.

And another.

Notch! How am I still functioning if I replaced my sleep with chopping mob's heads off?

Cut more trees down.

I got a headache that feels like an emerald sword stabbing my head repeated times.

By the time I finished off a chunk of area full of trees, I decided to quit. I got 172 blocks of wood. Which turned to 688 wooden planks which turned to 10 and 3/4 stacks of wooden plank. Took me forever to figure all that mathy stuff out.

Which added more pain to my headache.

I need to get some rest. I can barely function.

I go inside my house and throw my ax on the floor. I see Bert finished his lunch. I threw one apple on the floor for him to eat (he ussaully eats like three apples with more potatoes and carrots) and jumped into my bed.

Bert should be happy he wasn't in it, or I'd have somw flattened out bacon.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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