Chapter 16~ Zombie

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"You'll really come?" Garret, an acquaintance, asked.

"Why not. It's a good day for cave walking... or better yet, human hunting!" Jack stated boldly.

I nodded slowly. If they want me to come, sure, I'll come.. We all walked down to a cave and went our different ways. Garret stayed with me. I was happy because he was the nicest one to include me and talk to me. We were almost as close as friends.

"I'm surprised you came. You normally sit up in your place and just-" he looked at me and stopped talking and walking.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't you ever feel lonely, George? I mean, yeah, most zombies are boring and whatever,  but even I have a friend. I human one to be exact."

I stared wide eyed at him, "You do?"

"Yeah, her name is Amb-"

"YAAAHW!" Someone screeched.

A sword poked out of Garret's stomach and he collapsed. A human pulled the sword out and prepared to kill me next. I lunged at him and bit him. I stole the sword and killed the human. I quickly went to Garret's side.

"George...?" He looked into my eyes. "Have I p-passed? A-am I g-good enough to r-r-rest in peace?"

He became still, his mouth ajar. And if I could've cried, I would've been weeping. Zombies came and took his body away, not talking to me.

Garret was the closest thing I'd ever get to having a friend. And he just died. I stayed where Garret died and just stared at the ground. I was so sad I couldn't have saved him. Footsteps echoed through the cave.

"He should be here..." a girl whispered.

"He lives in a cave!" a guy exclaimed.

"Shhhh! Yeah... kinda."

"I killed your stupid human friend!" I growled.

"Z-zombies talk!? What in the nether!"

"Hey, I'm looking for a zombie named Garret," the girl said.

"He's dead, h-how do you know him?"

"I think introductions are called for. I'm Amber and this is Steve."

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