Chapter 1~Steve

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Heads up, this is not part of my MC series. If you noticed, it doesn't have Minecraft bool [number]. This is about Steve, Notch, and Herobrine. Nothing to do with any of my other characters. Sorry if you hopped it was. Thanks :D
It's been a long day for me. I thought as I walked past my garden to my house. I am still in the unexplored biome of Minecraftia, meaning there is not a single living person here. I do say, I've grown quite fond of this place, though. Sorry, you must be wondering who I am.

The name's Steve. I've been in Minecraft for as long as I could remember with my two brothers. My oldest brother is Notch. He's wise and is, let's say, the creator of Minecraft. He's a busy man. I never really see him much. My other brother... my twin... well I haven't seen him, really.

My day went something like mine, dig, plant, kill. I've been searching for diamonds or even emeralds in this biome. I haven't had much luck, though. Plenty of coal and gold. Even iron seems rare to find here. So I try to stock up. But it seems like I'm constantly running out of iron. For buckets, pick axes, armor, doors, ect.

Coal, however... I have about two large chests filled with that stuff. I wish, sometimes, that I could exchanged my coal for iron. Never gonna happen. You can't just have stuff handed to you on a golden plater. Life here is about survival. You have to work hard for whatever you may need or want.

Today seemed so much longer than other days. Killing all those creepers may have made it seem long. Or maybe digging for gardens and dirt made it long. I don't know. But today was weirder than other days. I felt like someone was watching me the whole day.

The whole entire day.

But I never heard or saw someone. Well, actually, by the pond, I swear I heard a twig snap. But there are animals everywhere here. So, you know, it could've been a sheep or something.

My hands ached from planting weat and adding bone meal, along with harvesting the wheat plus pumpkins, watermelon, and beet root. My hands were raw and red. It stung when I opened the door to my shed to put away my tools. I closed the chest when I felt it.

Someone was watching!

I zipped around and called out, "Hello?"

No reply and no sign that anyone has been here. I must be really tired or something. This is ridiculous that I'm this freaked out. I rolled my eyes and exited my shed. But I still felt like every move I made was being watched.

The sky started dimming, so I knew I better go in my house unless I wanted to pick a fight with a mob with no weapons. I rushed in and closed my iron doors. I big upgrade from the wooden ones because the zombies kept breaking them.

I pulled the lever once in my house, shutting the door. I wanted to go strait to bed, but I knew I had to eat. I rummaged through my food chests and noted to go hunting and harvesting tomorrow. I was dangerously low in meat and I didn't have any eggs, mushrooms, milk, or apples. I selected my last beef and placed it in the stove.

I put a wooden plank in to burn and warm the house up. After the beef was cooked, I took it out, filling the room with the wonderful aroma of beef and smoky wood. I ate it quickly. I glanced out the window, catching a glimpse of a zombie in the distance.

I went over to my bed. I felt as though I hadn't slept in it in ages. I got in, hearing it squeak from my weight. I pulled the red blanket to my chin. I closed my eyes, falling into a dreamless sleep.

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