Chapter 4~Amber

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I groaned. Why I ever buried a chest full of weapons and a crafting table? I don't know. I know it was around this pond. It must be here somewhere. Oh how I should've marked it with sand or a tree.

Or was it that grassy little spot not far from home. I'll check there. I brought out my iron sword, in case of unexpected monster, and ran. I got hungry fast and stopped to eat a baked potato.

I started sprinting again. I stopped. A village, it looked like. With gardens everywhere. Should I...? Should I really...? I opened the door to the first building with a button. A... storage room. I opened the chests to find stone weapons, and sucky armor.

Honesty, where's all the diamond, the emeralds, or at least iron? I rolled my eyes and shut the chests. Nothing was worth stealing. I walked inside the next building. A. Pig. Was. Sitting. On. A. Bed. Crazy thought, are these the pig's buildings? I quickly shut the door and left.

I couldn't help but to take some sugarcane, carrots, and beetroots before I finally left. I walked in what I think was the direction of my house. After walking a bit, I saw my house. My house was this door inside a mountain with rooms everywhere. A small window next to the door.

I think the grassy part where I burried my "treasure" in the ground. When I arrived, I saw a guy in a cyan shirt, blue pants, and brown hair, his back to me with a crafting table in front of him. I pulled out my iron sword and pointed it at him. Was it me or did he look like... nevermind.

"Exuse me, but if you found an emerald sword and ax, it's mine, so hand it over, buddy," I point it closer to him.

He turns around, looking at me. I could see an emerald sword and ax laying near him. I swear it's him!

"I was digging around and found a chest. It never had someone's name in it," he said. Was he trying to say, in a way, finders keep, losers weep? How dare that little...!

"I'm sure you wouldn't want this sword to go through that chest of yours, do you?" I say.

"Same here. I'm sure emerald will take a heck lot more damage to a being than an iron, correct?" he asked smartly, grabbing my emerald sword.

"Hm, perhaps I have an enchanted diamond sword hidden away, ready to slice into a body," I grin at my somewhat lie.

"If you had it, you'd never tell me. Trust me, I've read about every book I could get my hands on. All the fighting tips really work, you know."

"Dude, just hand over the sword. It took forever to find it in this cruddy biome!" I shout.

He looked, I don't know, sad? Did he feel guilty. He handed it over, along with the ax. I felt victorious and jabbed it in the air, waving it all around to feel powerful.

"Well, better be going..." he trailed off.

"Oh, Amber," I finish for him.

"Steve," he took out his hand.

I never shook his hand. Instead, my mouth hung open and I blurted, "I knew you looked familiar! Wow! What's a famous guy like you roaming about in a deserted place like this?"

He just smiled and shrugged. I bit my tongue to stop myself from asking for his autograph. I mean, who wouldn't?

"So why were you taking my sword and ax?" I asked.

"Needed supplies. I know I have about everything usually, but... well, I guess I kinda like to start fresh if I can help it," he shrugged. "Of course, iron is rare here, and so are emeralds and diamonds. All I find is coal, coal, stone, stone. Nothing good, much."

"That's why you take risks to not skip the lava caverns, but explore," I wink at him as if I'm sharing a secret. "Dig around the walls, you could find dungeons and get chests filled with gold and diamonds. Just have to depend on luck."

He shrugged, "I guess."

I felt bad for him. I also felt weird. I've admired Steve by all the things he's accomplished and done, so I tend to dress like him once in a while. Brown hair. Cyan shirt. Jean shorts/pants. Yeah. Bit of a fan girl. I also like Notch. He's cool, too.

"I should get going," I say.

"See you around?" he asked.

"Maybe. If you were the place with the pig that I robbed... than I don't live too far from you."

"Yep, that's defini- you robbed me!?"

"Nothing really good, just took some crops," I smiled evilly.

"Wonderful," he muttered. "You owe me!"

"You wish, bye Steve!"

Before he could reply, I gripped my sword and ran opposite direction from home so he wouldn't know where I lived. After a while, I turned around and went around the mountain. I arrived at my house and went in. What an interesting day. Met Steve, stole from him, too. Saw a weird pig on Steve's bed. Retrieved my emerald weapons. And nothing else, really. Wow.

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