Chapter 12~Amber

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I was going to kill Bert! And possible Notch, for not allowing pigs to talk! Here I was, in Steve's house, watching Bert eat five carrots, grass, and mushrooms. He didn't dare touch the dandelions.

I was dressed in purple, and did my hair with a flower. I wanted to see Steve and ask him if he's heard anything about... his twin. Things have been going around. Strange things. A village, uh, about a few biomes away said they've seen him. It's gossip that has traveled worldwide.

Now, they're making a group called the W.U.T.A.H. (pronounced Whata) group. It stands for We Unite To Assassinate Herobrine. W.U.T.A.H, however, are barging in, questioning people. If people say something like "I think I saw him", they take them away for as long as they need (which could be years if they don't find Herobrine) to ask anything they want.

If you knew Herobrine personally, they kill you on the spot.

Of course, they've beem searching for Notch. Rumor has it that they want Notch to tell them everything they know, then kill him and they rule Minecraftia. If they'll kill Notch, they won't hesitate to kill Steve.

Nobody likes W.U.T.A.H. at all. Since no one likes them, they don't have many people. So they take people's family away and train them, including brain washing them. The leader's name is some guy named Derlan.

So, when I came to warn Steve, all I find is a fat pig named Bert who can't tell me where Steve went. I groan in frustration. Bert grunts and slides all the dandelions towards me.

"No Bert! I don't want any flippin' dandelions! I want to know where Steve is! Can't you somehow tell me?!" I tug my hair in frustration.

Bert looks around and points to Emerald in a chest. Then to purple wool. And Lapis Luzul. Orange wool. Red stone in a chest. And an emerald again.

Wait. Is he trying to send me a coded message? E...PW...LL...OW...RS...E

Wait, what if it was just the first lettet to the thing?


Does he mean explore?

"Did Steve go exploring?" I asked.

Bert danced around and grunted. Probably pleased with his code. Wait, since when do pigs know how to spell? Ah, never mind! That's another mystery for later. I grabbed a bunch of wood, torches, and food and got ready to leave.

"You coming?" I asked.

He got up and went to me and oinked. Okay. Mission: Find Steve Before It's Too Late has started. Here we go.

We left.

And went Southeast.

Hopefully he went that way.

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