Felicity Holmes

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Hi, I'm Felicity Holmes. I apparently am a demigod. It all started when I was taking a walk in the park with my dog, Dixon. Then, for some odd reason, Dixon turned into a huge dog that smelled like sulfur and looked like shit. I just ran from him, but he was really fast. I was just running deeper into the woods, trying to get away from him. I screamed when I saw another huge dog come chase me. They were both advancing on me. They were cutting my arms and I could feel some blood trickling down my shirt. Then, a miracle happened.

There was a jet of water that came in and hit a monster in the face. I looked to see the hottest boy I've ever seen shoot water out of his bare hands. The big dogs are whimpering, looking at the guy in fear. He pulls out a pen, which leaves me in confusion. What can a pen do? He uncaps it and it turns into a sword. What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On? He kills them, but they turn into dust instead of meat. Am I delusional?

"What's your name?"

"Felicity Holmes," I answered.

"You need to come with me," the boy said, taking my hand and pulling me along.

"But why?" I asked him.

"Look, I can't tell you right now. Not out here. We're not safe."

"Then where will we be safe?"

"In camp. Come on, girl," he said, running with me.

"Who are you?"

"Percy Jackson," he replied, still running like the wind.

I'm just being dragged along like a doll. There are more things popping up, but the guy just keeps killing them. He finally reaches some tree that has a glow to it. The moment we cross the tree, he stops. The things are pounding on what seems to be a boundary, but I think it's thin air.

"C'mon. We gotta go to Chiron," Percy said.

I followed him and a horse-dude comes out in a ninja suit.

"Why is he in a ninja suit?" I ask, pointing to the horse-dude.

"Uh... I don't know. Chiron, why are you in a ninja suit?" Percy asked.

The horse-dude blushes.

"Well... I was just watching Ninja Kids 1, and I decided to do some fights with them..." he mumbled.

"Isn't Ninja Kids 1 a movie for toddlers?" Percy asked.

"Sh! Maybe, but not in front of camp!" He said, motioning over to his left.

I look over and I almost faint at what I see. There are targets where people are shooting arrows at, people sword fighting, people rock climbing, people walking along a volcano, people charging at each other with spears, people killing dummies, every dangerous thing I can imagine is here. Percy smirks and gives me a charming lopsided grin. I swear I'm a puddle of melted candle wax. He's the ideal perfect boyfriend.

He gives me a smile before showing me around camp. That night, when I was sitting at the Hermes table, I saw them all look at me. When I looked above my head, there was a dove and a heart.

"All hail Felicity Holmes, daughter of Aphrodite!" Chiron announced.

I smiled, walking over to the Aphrodite table and taking a seat. I notice Percy sitting alone at a table. I walk over, but one of my siblings holds me back.

"We're only allowed to sit at our assigned tables!"

"So, he has no siblings?"

"No. Poseidon doesn't have other children. There's an oath, you know," she says.

I was woken up at 5 AM when the conch horn sounded, meaning an attack. I groaned, walking out with my gun. I fired, shooting the monsters. I saw Percy fighting and stabbing like it was nothing. I also saw another girl with the prettiest golden princess curls and gray eyes I've ever seen. I'm really jealous, but no one can pass up a daughter of Aphrodite. I saw a little girl, Penelope Hansen, my little sister. She is running in the battlefield. She's only six! What the fuck is she doing?

I saw her shooting some monsters with her bow and arrow. She has pretty good aim! Percy was finishing the last one and Penelope was in the way of a poisonous sword. Percy pushed her out of the way and narrowly missed the sword by an inch. He stood up, welcoming the little girl a hand.

"Careful, P," he said with a smile.

I saw the poisonous blade rip through his gut and he gasped in pain, falling onto the floor with a thud. Penelope screamed in rage and threw Percy's fallen sword into the monster's chest, making it die. Penelope moved just out of the way as another monster struck. She ran from the huge dog and I stood, watching the scene unfold. I saw a huge Minotaur coming. He picked Percy up like a rag doll around the neck. It growled, smiling evilly.

I heard it speak, shocking everyone on the battlefield.

"Boy, you'll finally be able to die in my clutches to pay for killing me so many times before..." it growled, "I will be the one to kill the savior of Olympus. Once you're dead, nothing can stop us!"

Percy's eyes fluttered as the Minotaur squeezed.

"Give up yet, boy?" He growled.

"No..." Percy choked out, his face turning purple and swelling.

His wound was turning a sickly shade of green and pouring blood. He let put a groan as he stabbed the Minotaur in the chest, making it let go and growl in rage. It burst into dust and the girl with princess curls was the first to reach him.

"Oh, Seaweed Brain... you idiot..." she cried, holding him.

"Pene...lo...pe..." he whispered.

His eyes closed and Will Solace rushed to go heal him with his whole cabin. When Percy was fine, he was in bed for a week. I still had a crush on him, so I was confused when I saw blue chocolates by his bed with a blue rose every day. Who was giving him this?
——Part 2 in the next chapter——

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