Vacation With Percabeth - At The Airport

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"Dad," Sam whined, "I want some Bolivian bacon..."

"Sam, it's not the time for bacon! You just had slices earlier," Annabeth sighed.

"But I'm bored in this car. And all I have for company is a dorky nub named Fredward and we're in the back seat."

"Because you didn't want to do your nails with Carly and Melanie," I added, "So you're stuck with Charlie and Freddie in the back."

"Can't I just move to the front?"

"If you want to, but after the red light--"

"SAM!" Melanie shrieked as Sam unbuckled her seatbelt and swung over to the front like a monkey.

"Yeah!" I laughed, "That's my girl."

"You're encouraging this, Dad?!" Melanie groaned, "Sam's gonna get herself into juvie again!"

"I'll get a special frozen yogurt if I go again. It'll be my third time," Sam smirked.

"Honestly, if she gets into juvie it wouldn't be a problem," Annabeth began to laugh, "Because we all know Sam wants to be an MMA fighter."

"But models don't--"

"Shut it," Sam clamped a hand over Melanie's mouth.

"What?" Freddie made an innocent face and poked his head out from the back seat.

"Sam, there's nothing wrong with being a model," Annabeth frowned.

"MOM!" Sam exclaimed, "Now the nub knows!"

"There's no need to fight when a baby is in your presence," Annabeth countered, "Baby Eliza and Baby Alex don't need to hear you."

Hazel and Piper both patted their round bellies.

"Why didn't Uncle Leo come with us?!"

"He's already at the airport with Hamilton, Moonlace, and Abby!"

We stopped at the airport and Sam hopped straight out of the car.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, taking a deep breath, "Finally I'm not squished against people!"

Melanie climbed out after her, brushing herself off, followed by Carly.


I chuckled when Sam just pulled her brother and Freddie straight out of the backseat.

"AH!" Charlie yelped.

"Carly!" Freddie exclaimed, "Your blonde-headed demon best friend bit me again!"

"Because you were being so slow! We've gotta hurry up," Sam gave me a look.

I saw Uncle Leo and Aunt Calypso and waved.

"Uncle Leo! Aunt Calypso!"

"Hey, kids!"

We ran over and Melanie gave Abby a hug.

"Yay..." Sam rolled her eyes, "It's the girly weak show."

"Aw, Sam," I gave her a look, "Be nice."


"Sup, Ham?" Sam gave Hamilton a pat on the back.

"Sam likes Ham," Percy shook her head.

"The food, too," Sam smirked as she met his gaze.

"How's my favorite nine-year-old?" I gave Moonlace a hug.

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