Chapter 4: Ayla Pratson(Demigod)

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My name is Ayla Pratson. I am a senior in high school, going to Oak High. My boyfriend, Nathan, was talking with me and I was having a great time. We sat down on a bench, staring at the scenes before us. I saw another couple. They kissed with so much passion, I wanted to kiss Nathan again. Yet, I didn't. Suddenly, the boy pulled away. The girl showed hurt in her eyes.

"Look, Annabeth, I can't be your boyfriend anymore," the boy said, stepping away from a teary-eyed girl.

"W-Why?" she whispered.

"I... I have fallen in love with someone else, someone..."


"Let me finish, Wise Girl," he sighed.

"I've fallen in love with Annabeth Jackson," he stated, staring at her eyes.

"What? There's another Annabeth?"

"No, silly," he swatted at her hands.

"What are you saying?"

He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a box. He opened it, revealing a beautiful ring with an owl and sea-green jewels.

"Wise Girl, from the moment we were twelve and we met at camp, I knew there was something in you that made me love you. Your first words to me, 'you drool when you sleep' still make me smile at night. Your smile can never be erased from my memory, no matter how hard I would try, not that I ever will. From the moment I was in the volcano explosion, hundreds of feet in the air, Zeus would never forgive me, I thought of you. When I thought I was going to die, all I could think about was you. I was a dumb fourteen-year-old, going into a volcano for the sake of the world, then you kissed me. Time stopped. I was falling like a meteor, but the last thing before blackness was you. When I was on Calypso's island, Ogygia, I wanted to stay, but I thought of you. I thought of your beautiful smile and your words. I thought about the war and how I would miss you. I thought of how Athena would kill me and Poseidon would probably do the same. I thought of the world, how it was at stake. How all mortals were practically in danger from Typhon. All I knew in life was you. When I earned the curse of Achilles in the River Styx, you were the thing that anchored me to the mortal world. You were and are my everything. Make me the happiest man alive. Please, marry me?"

I felt tears welling in my eyes. The girl simply stood there, mouth open in shock. Suddenly, a huge black... dog? A huge black dog rammed into the boy, tearing his chest open. He cried out and took out a pen. When he uncapped it, it turned into a sword. I gasped. He stabbed it through the dog and it howled. It slashed at the boy's arm before turning into dust. The girl ran to him, crying.

"Will you marry me?"

"Oh, Seaweed Brain, a thousand times yes!"

They kissed and the boy abruptly fainted. I ran over, looking at the girl.

"How much did you see?" she asked, worry clear on her face.

"From the point, he started proposing to when huge black dogs attacked you," I stated calmly.

"Y-You can see..."

"I saw it too..." Nathan said.

"You can see through the mist..."


"What are your parents like?"

"I never met my mom..." I admitted.

"I've never met my dad..." Nathan said.

"Do you have ADHD and Dyslexia?"

"How'd you know?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"No wonder the hellhound went here... There's too much demigod scent!"


"No time, help me get Percy in the car."

I did as she said and we drove an almost-dead boy to a... camp? We walked in and a horse-dude came.

"I assume you brought new demigods?"

"Yes, I--"

Percy groaned and opened his eyes.

"Water..." he croaked.

I fished out my water bottle.

"Here, open your mouth," I instructed.

"No, pour it on my chest," he whispered.

"No, that'll only hurt you!" I objected.

"Please," his eyes were wide.

I poured it on and the wounds all closed. The color returned to his tan skin and he got up, smiling.


"Son of Poseidon," he said, pointing to himself.

"Daughter of Athena," Annabeth said.

"They don't exist!" I protested.

"No, they're real..."

"Show me proof."

He raised his hand and an orb of water appeared. He smiled and Annabeth motioned to the rest of the campers, who were sword-fighting, riding on winged shoes, growing plants with their hands...

"They're real?"


I saw a lyre appear over Nathan's head and I felt my appearance change.

"All hail, Nathan Sun, Son of Apollo, and Ayla Pratson, daughter of Aphrodite!"

"WHAT?!" we screamed.

"Come, we'll show you around camp," Annabeth said, leading us over to a field.

"Wait, how is Percy a son of Poseidon? There is a law!"

"Well... Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades all broke that oath. Well, Hades didn't, he just had children hidden in the Lotus Casino."

"What now?"

A girl with short black hair, freckles, and electric blue eyes came forward, followed by a boy with the same eyes and blonde hair.

"I'm Thalia Grace and this is Jason Grace. We're children of Zeus," she said.

I felt my jaw drop. An emo boy came forward.

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades," he said.

"I'm already known to you, but since my father has been telling me to say my titles, I will."

"I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, the bane of monsters, blah blah blah, two-time Savior of Olympus."

I felt my jaw hit the floor. A girl with kaleidoscope eyes and Cherokee skin came out.

"Hi, I'm Piper Mclean. I'm guessing you're my half-sister," she said, hugging me.

"You're a daughter of Aphrodite?"

"Yeah," she said, though she brought out a knife.

"Don't kill me!" I shrieked, shrinking into Nathan's arms.

"No, I'm just telling you that I'm a warrior, unlike any other people in my cabin," she said, smiling.

That's how I met Percabeth. Nathan and I married each other eventually and I got to see Percy become a god with all his friends. When Percy came to our wedding, he was smiling like there was no end. Well, he was smiling bigger with Annabeth, but if you just got your wife to say yes, who wouldn't?

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