Lasya Turniun

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Hi, I'm Lasya Turniun. And I'm no demigod. Well, I am a demigod, just... not with either camps. I've been waiting for five years to take Percy Jackson and his puny little girl friend down. Kick them straight to the earth for what they've done to my master, Kronos. And they'll pay. I entered camp as if nothing happened, putting on my mask of confusion and looking around.

I waited and waited before looking above me. I knew that potion I slipped into the sea would get Poseidon to claim me. So I walked in with a trident over my head. Fabulous. Percy and Annabeth were the first to meet me.

"Ooh!" Percy squealed like some stupid five-year-old. This was the Savior of Olympus? "You're my sister!"

"Percy, that's obvious," Annabeth said, hitting his arm.

Oh, and here comes Ms. Bossy Bitch.

"Hi," I said, pretending to be innocent.

"Hi... I wish we could stay longer, but we'll be on a quest. Chiron will explain everything to you, okay? Look for the dude with horse legs and a man body!"

"Where are you guys going?" I wondered.

"Well, let's just say Aphrodite lost her voice."

"Like Ariel?" Percy asked Annabeth and Annabeth slapped him lightly. "You're always into sea movies, aren't you?"

"Never stopped," Percy grinned cheekily.

"Well, someone stole Aphrodite's voice and put it in some glass orb, so we're out to Asia to try and find it."

"Is that's what's with the... uhm..."

I pointed to the Chinese coolie hats and red robes.

"Yeah," Percy nodded. "Come on, Blackjack!"

A huge black pegasus came and Percy and Annabeth grabbed on.

"EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPLAINED!" Percy called as they rode off on Blackjack's back.

I smirked, walking into the Poseidon cabin, where I was supposedly bunking. I grabbed a can of cyanide and poured it into Percy's water fountain.

"Oops," I said sarcastically before throwing the can away. "Guess Percy'll have a... great bath when he gets back."

I sat down on my bed--not that I'd be in it for very long--and pondered about what to do to get Annabeth, as she obviously didn't seem as dumb as Percy to sit in a tub of water when she gets back without changing the water inside. But as much as Annabeth was strong on the outside... could I just mess with her emotionally?

Smirking, I knew exactly what to do. I grabbed a piece of paper and took out a letter Percy wrote to her last month, which I found underneath his desk.

Dear Annabitch,

I hate you. You've done nothing to help me ever and I want you dead. We're done. Nemo would've even said that.

With hate,

Percy Jackson.

I read it over two times before considering it convincing. When no one was looking, I slipped it into her pillowcase and decided on a better way to poison her. Food.


Percy and Annabeth got back a week later and they both went straight to their cabins. So I intercepted them.

"Hey!" I greeted. "I just baked some cookies for you guys as a... welcome back treat."

"Oh! Thank you! THEY'RE BLUE!" Percy reached for one but Annabeth shooed his hand away.

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