Chapter 6: Alex Vandeweghe(Mortal)

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Turns out, the greek gods are real! Apparently, this goddess named Hecate has faded, so we mortals can see through mist again. We all know about the heroes of Olympus, but no one knows who they are, just that they're alive today. I am definitely the son of Poseidon. Well, I say that to get everyone to bow to my will. I'm after Annabeth Chase, the school hottie.

"Hey, babe, wanna go out?"

"Shut up, Alex. I'm dating someone already!"

"You can't pass up a son of Poseidon!"

She didn't get the chance to respond, as there was the bell. We had an assembly today, so I raced down to the gym on the bleachers. The gods were here! There were also some kids sitting in some chairs lazily talking. There was one boy that made my hairs stand up. He was by far the hottest guy I've seen. I was prickling with jealousy.

He had jet black hair and sea-green eyes. He was muscular and had the perfect tan. Man, he got all the girls swooning.

"Good morning, Goode, I've seen there are people trying to impersonate our children as the daughter of Athena said," Zeus said.

"Annabeth Chase, explain who is impersonating,"

"Well, hi, I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Alex Vandeweghe is impersonating my boyfriend. He's trying to be the son of Poseidon, yet he cannot control water!"

They all looked at me.

"Uh, NO! Father, tell her!"

Poseidon stepped forward.

"Alright, I will introduce my son," he said.

I smirked.

"May the son of Poseidon, the bane of monsters, retriever of the master bolt, hades' helm, and the golden fleece, bearer of the sky, a survivor of the battle of the labyrinth and the labyrinth itself, a survivor of the battle of Manhattan, a survivor of the battle of the camps, slayer of Kronos, Hyperion, many other titans, Gaia, and giants, first of demigods to survive Tartarus, leader of two winning wars, the two-time hero of Olympus step forward."

I stepped forward, but the hot guy was on the stage in an instant, traveling through mist.

"Hey! You took my spot! I'm the son of Poseidon!" I yelled, infuriated.

He sighed and held up his hands. Water came from every spout in school. I stared in shock and he splashed it all over me.

"A real son of Poseidon would've been able to counter this attack, take control of it, and not get wet," he said.

Annabeth kissed him.


"I respect Percy," Athena glared at me.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon!"

I growled and charged at him with a pocket knife. I was held back by the teachers.

"Now, we must do something that has never been done before. We must retire, giving our roles to our children."

"Clarisse La Rue, goddess of war," Ares said, "Frank Zhang, god of war."

"Travis and Connor Stoll, gods of pranks," Hermes smiled, "Chris Rodriguez, god of thieves."

"Katie Gardner, goddess of the harvest," Demeter declared.

"Hazel Levesque and Nico Di Angelo, King and Queen of the dead."

"Jason Grace, god of the sky."

"Thalia Grace, goddess of the moon, leader of the hunt."

"Leo Valdez, god of forgery and fire."

"Piper Mclean, goddess of love and beauty."

"Annabeth Chase, goddess of wisdom."

"Percy Jackson, the god of the seas, swordsmanship, and loyalty, king of Olympus!"

"WHAT?!" I shrieked, ripping free of my teachers.

Percy got his power and I attacked, driving my pocket knife into his back. He turned around and blasted me into the wall, killing me. Now I'm in the fields of punishment. I saw a familiar couple walking around with a baby, checking on the residents to make sure they were uncomfortable. Percy and Annabeth.

"Hey, Alex, how's life?"

"You know that I'm not alive!" I bit back.

"I can always fade your soul..."


"We're giving you the Fields of Asphodel as a second chance. Go, or stay, not my problem," Percy said before flashing away with his wife and children.

I still hate Percabeth. I HATE PERCY JACKSON.

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