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2 more weeks later Pippy and Tara found a place for themselves and Donna moved out too, Villa was back to doing everything she used to. Her leg didn't hurt at all so she was fine with going into burning buildings. However Rosie was freaking every time when she was on a call. Once he had to go to the hospital because she burned her hand and they wanted someone to pick her up. He was in the verge of crying when he saw the pain in her eyes. She didn't showed weakness at all, but he knew her, he have seen her cry, he have seen her in a dark place, so he knew how to read her eyes.

So today Rosie finished work earlier and decided to go to the station. He and the guys were bonding and they even went for a beer sometimes. When he entered the station the guys were chatting in the beanery.

"Hey man" Dean saw him first.

"Hey, i finished earlier, so i decided to come and see you"

"Or to see Annalise" Jack mumbled, but everyone heard him and laughed in agreement. Rosie felt his cheeks getting hotter.

"Speaking of which....where is she"

"She's working out with Maya, or let's say that Maya is squeezing the life out of her" Jack said and the room erupted with laughter. Rosie made his way to the gym and heard Villa whining "Oh, come ooon, i can't do more of those Maya, i will die" but when he saw her, he had to swallow a lump in his throat, she was only in a sport bra and really short shorts. She was all covered in sweat and she looked really hot.

"See who is here, hi Rosieee" she said quickly getting up, before Maya make her do more sit ups. When she aproached him, she whispered "Thank you for saving me" and hid behind him. Just then the alarm went off and Villa groaned before sliding down the pole. But before she was about to slide down, she said "Tell Pippy and Tara, to meet us at Joe's in 7pm, were having a girls night out" and she disappeared, winking at him.

/on the scene/

"Did i just caught Rosie checking you out" Maya asked when they were searching the 3rd floor. Villa smirked but decided to play cool "What do you mean"

"Okay, i don't want it to sound like this but he was eye-fucking you, Lis" they both laughed, then they put the fire out and went to the station.

"So, you never answered my question" Maya leaned on the door frame.

"Okay okay, he maybe was checking me out, but it's not the first time and i do that sometimes too so shut the fuck up and mind your own business"

"Okay, but when you get married i wanna be on the wedding AND i wanna be godmother to the kids, deal?"

"MAYA, STOP THIS" Lisa said laughing "Let's just get ready for the bar, okay?"

"Okay, okay, fineee" the blonde groaned.


"Girl, you rock" Pippy exclaimed, when she saw her outfit. A short black dress, that hugged tightly all of Lisa's curves."I absolutely love this, i bet that Rosie's jaw will fall if he sees you" she smirked.

The Latina just shook her head and went inside the bar. They talked and drunk, and drunk and talked until it was 3AM and Villa, Pippy and Vic were so drunk that they could barely walk. Maya took Vic home with Travis's help and Tara was going to take Pippy, but Villa couldn't walk at all, so she called Rosie.

"Hey, Rosie, sorry to wake you up, but Pippy and Lisa are very drunk and i can't take both, can u please come and take Villa to yours?"

"Yeah, sure, be there in 15"

"Thank you"

When Rosie arrived his jaw dropped, just like Pippy said. "Damn it" he said to himself. Annalise was not going to walk, so he picked her up and she giggled, he smiled and put her in his car. At home he gave her one of his shirts to sleep in. His shirt was covering her to her hips and she looked really cute in it. Rosie helped her remove her makeup and by that time she was almost asleep.When he was about to carry her in the spare bedroom, she asked in the most cute voice ever "Can i sleep with you" and put her head on the crease of his neck. Rosie blushed a bit, but carried her to his bed. She moved closer to him wrapping her arm around his torso, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you" she whispered and then kissed his cheek. Rosie looked at her, his eyes wide "she is drunk" he kept reminding himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling that-
No no, it couldn't be truth right?!
He played it cool and hugged her closer, when he heard her breathing slowing down he whispered "I love you too", but he was sober and he knew that he was telling the truth.

Stay safe and lots of love,

Unlikely, but not impossible Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα