Part 11: I wanted to...

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It was nearly noon when finally Liara woke up. And she woke with a certain pep in her step and quite the sunny disposition. Her body felt tingly all over and she could smell Blue all over her skin.  Her lower half didn't cramp like she thought it was going to, it was just hot. Like she was craving him again.

She slipped into the shower, noticing very quickly that the more of Blue's scent that was removed from her body, the more her stomach began to twist and knot. The cramps started as a dull ache and we're now growing into a steady rumble.  She cursed her body and the way it was constantly betraying her.

The house was empty and quiet Liara felt so alone sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. She missed Mika and Blue, she had spent most of her time since she had been home with them. Laughing, talking, mentally escaping from the world. But now, the silence of the home made everything feel so real.

This infection, this wolf, her feelings. She had to get out of there, maybe Simona was awake. Talking to her had been nice the night before and it felt good to connect with her again.

Liara cleaned her dishes and headed out the door ready to give her baby sister a visit.she was about to knock on the door when the scent of sex hit her. Then the muffled moans of Caleb and Simona.

Quietly she peered through the window when she saw movement. Through the blinds was Caleb sitting in a kitchen chair head back biting his lip, brows furrowed as Simona rode him, using him like a sex toy. Their naked bodies covered in a layer of sweat. The smell of her Heat all around the outside of the house.

With a gasp she tip toed away, "Oh my God. Don't they have any hobbies?" Liara spat scurrying away.

Mika opened the door to his RV, freshly showered, clean shaven and with a soft sadness in his eyes, startling her. "Liara."

"Mika." She replied instant guilt rushing over her. Her heart fluttered when she saw the way he looked at her, as if she were a long lost love. "I...I need to talk to you."

Sentences like that were never good. Did he know? Was he angry with her still? She had to tell him she slept with Blue. She needed to tell him.

"I need to talk to you too Mika."

She stepped inside the RV nervous, her hands shaking. Mika was just her friend yet she couldn't understand why she was so damn nervous. "Um Mika..."

"Please let me go first." He said closing the door. He paced back and forth trying to think of the right words to say. "I'm really sorry for the way I acted last night. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I shouldn't have treated you that way. I have no right to dictate or judge what you do with your body and..."

That was his morally correct response. But his deeper feelings quickly came to the surface. "When you said you wanted to distance yourself from me it made me angry. I was so pissed off, because...I didn't want that. When you said you wanted some other man, I was insanely jealous, yes I'll fucking admit it. I didn't know why, but after some thinking last night I realized..."

"Realized what?" She asked in a hushed tone, her body radiating her scent in the room as her cramps intensified.

Mika smells her arousal, making the hair on the back of his neck stand on ens and no longer does he refuse to fight it.  Grabbing her around the waist he kisses her slow and deep, his tongue invading her mouth and swirling around hers. "I want your Heat. I want you. I want to heal you, touch you, to take you in any way you need. Let me have you." His eyes searched hers, hoping she understood what he is saying.

But she knew what he wanted, he wanted to Cure her, he wanted to be the man that soothed her pain. He wanted her in his bed. And the way he kissed her made her weak, she wanted him. "Wait Mika, I have something to tell you."

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