Part 6: Tease

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The hospital was mostly quiet, excluding the sound of beeping machines, muffled audio of televisions in patient rooms and the soft scurrying of nurses.

Simona sat outside of Rachel's room for the fourth time, unable to make herself walk inside. Legs like concrete, she was stuck in place. Fear making her immoveable.

There was so much to say to her. But she didn't know what to say. Simona loved her. But not the way Rachel wanted her to. Her heart belonged to Caleb, though their relationship was bleek at best. He owned every piece of her heart. She feared that she would never be able to love anyone else, and cursed herself because she didn't want to. Though she was angry with him, Caleb was her world.

Clutching balloons and a vase of flowers Simona stood their terrified. Rachel had made a speedy recovery, her wolf blood made her heal so fast the doctors called her a miracle.

No one had come to see her. No visitors. Not even her deadbeat alcoholic Mother.  The nurse walked by giving Simona a sad look. Four times she had watched Simona stand in that hallway for over an hour trying to get the courage to go inside that room.

She wasn't angry with her, she was afraid. Rachel was her best friend and their last conversation was difficult for her to process. How long had Rachel been in love with her?

With tears in her eyes Simona walked to the nurses station and asked the same nurse, Ms. Andrews to give Rachel the flowers and balloons. Like the other days she nodded with a sadness and sympathy written on her face.

Defeated again, Simona took the elevator down to the 3rd floor of Raven Memorial Hospital and found Miss Marian's room. Charlie stood outside sipping coffee from a styrofoam cup. His eyes held dark circles and his hair was disheveled. The man looked like he hadn't been sleep in days.


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"How is she doing?"

"Good. Ornery as ever. Doctors say she may not walk again." He sipped his coffee trying to mask the anger in his eyes.

"Any word on Wes?" She asked.

He shook his head, "No, when I know something I will send for you. Wes has skipped town and I'm going to send my best tracker to hunt for him."


"Yes, the one currently living on your front lawn with that Raven."

"I think he's just looking after Mika because he feels guilty about Stan and Freddie." Simona replied unsure of what their arrangement was. Honestly she was glad they were there, she slept better knowing there were vicious wolves on her front lawn.

Charlie smiled, "Blue is a big boy, he can live his life anyway he sees fit. I am not his lord. He seems content for the moment."

"I'm sorry I hurt you."

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