Her Condition

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The night felt different. The moon seemed brighter, the air felt more alive. Liara could see further, the smallest glow of eyes in the field across the road danced across her eyes. Animals searching and hunting in the thick tall grass. She could hear the melodic hum of heartbeats nearby, the dark around them didn't seem that dark at all. The night air was cold, and cut through her thin night gown, it felt like rain was coming.

Sipping freshly made Lemonade on the porch Mika and Liara stared out into the night sky. Blue promised a delicious meal and was whipping up something in the kitchen. The smell wafting out the window was of burnt meat and heavy garlic. Neither were expecting anything grand.

Mika sat quietly in her Grandmother's rocking chair, his feet were propped up on the wooden railing and he swayed slowly with a look of frustration and concentration on his face.

Liara watched him stare up at stars. His jaw was clenched, pain was in his eyes. His hands rested in his lap to hide the bulge in his pants. "Are you alright Mika?"

"Of course. I'm supposed to be asking you that."

"You just seem tense. I'm fine."

Mika had been fighting his urges all night, the scent of two women in Heat had his wolf agitated and hungry and his own body sweaty and aroused. Both wanted to mount Liara.

"I'm very glad to hear that. You gave us a scare earlier. I was really worried." He admitted his eyes looking away from her.

"Sorry about that. I don't know why I'm acting so... But I..."

"But what?"

She sighed not wanting to finish the sentence she started, but she needed to say this. "Mika I'm really sorry about all of this and especially the other night."

"Cheating at Dominoes isn't a big deal." He smirked.

With a smile she lightly nudged him in the arm, "No. Not that-"

"Drinking my last beer is a big deal so, I can't accept your apology that for that." He joked dodging the second slap intended for his arm.

"No, not that." She giggled, Mika had a way of making her laugh that always made her feel at ease, but she needed to be serious right now. " I am really sorry for the way I have been acting towards you."

Mika cocked an eye at her, "What do you mean?"

"Ya know, coming on to you." Embarrassed she continued, "Look I know what it's like when someone likes you and you don't feel the same way and they don't seem to get the clue. And they keep coming on to you. I don't want to be that person. I'm sorry if I offended you or made you feel uncomfortable. This weird condition has me acting out of character and I and I will try to keep my distance."



Before they could finish their conversation Simona was walking over her hair wet, smelling of body wash and Caleb. The woman was radiant, though she wasn't smiling there was a glow about her. Her smile was on the inside and it showed on the out.

"Simona, what are doing up? I thought you were sick?" Liara asked.

"I was. I wanted to check on you, see how you were doing."

Mika smirked, "Oh ye' of little faith. Liara is in good hands. We're keeping close watch on her. She isn't roaming the woods ripping apart unsuspecting camping virgins."

It was obvious she didn't trust the two men alone with her sister, but everything seemed to be fine. "Sorry."

Liara was surprised that Simona was checking on her, "I'm fine. How are you?" Caleb walked out of her house with a pep in his step whistling a happy tune coming towards them. "Oh, I see you're doing well."

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