Code of Conduct 2

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Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 2

Hay Lin's POV

He's nuts.

I've been chanting this like a mantra for the last two hours, twenty three minutes and thirty six seconds.

I don't know what screwed his head to diabolically declare that stupid idea. Who does he think he is?

"Snap out of it Hay Lin." I heard one of my friends speaking to me. Refusing to listen, I continued to bury my head on my shoulder positioned on top of the arm of my chair. We are at our classroom staying for recess. Most of the students were at the cafeteria eating while me and my friends prefer the comfort our classroom offers during the break. Few of my other classmates are also here but I don't bother if they notice me like this.

"Quit moping, you're such a drama queen!" another friend of mine said.

"Ever the title holder," spoke another one as if singing each word and I heard the sound of high five. Although I couldn't see it, I swear they have this wide grin on their faces as if finding this whole situation amusing.

It isn't, okay?

I kept replaying what had happened, trying to analyze everything. Still the whole equation results with his sudden declaration of... of madness! Then he stared at me for no longer than seven seconds, trying to compel me as if he was Damon Salvatore!

Let me tell you, he's nuts! He probably had a seizure during the car incident earlier that's why he'd gone nuts. He is... He is... Have I told you he's nuts?

Only four times?

Well here's the fifth: HE'S COMPLETELY NUTS!

Let's go down the memory lane what had happened after the first encounter, shall we?

3 hours ago...

"Hi brats!" I greeted my friends as I sashayed among the crowd the moment I saw them. Four pairs of eyes searched the crowd for me but since I wasn't so hard to find ---because I'm pretty --- they beamed the instant they spotted me.

Seeing them was comforting after the incident. I missed my girls over the vacation.

"Hey, looks like someone's going to dethrone Max as the Early Bird of Vandom High," Charm greeted me. Everyone chuckled. She's definitely referring to me because for the very first time, I was the last to arrive among us. Nobody else comes later than Max. She holds the record of being late for an hour or two on the agreed schedule. In school, she usually comes thirty minutes after the bell rings. So basically what Charm said was a total irony of Max's outstanding daily time record.

"That's never going to happen again. I wouldn't deign to peeve her Royal Highness by stealing her reputation," I said.

"Believe me when I say she's afraid you'll go Game of Thrones on her title," Bless said.

"I am not," said Max nonchalantly.

"Max could never have been more honest. She just spent the last ten minutes talking about your whereabouts and reciting your morning regimen that's keeping you late," Mia stated in paradox.

I snorted turning to Max and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry brat, I totally believe you."

"That's foul. Four versus one. Unfair. Stop picking on me, will you?" Max protested. Obviously, she isn't used to be picked on. She is spoiled under the protection of her three hot older brothers. "Why are you late anyway?"

Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Where stories live. Discover now