Code of Conduct 3

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Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 3

Hay Lin's POV

With the Brats supporting me, I filed my candidacy as President of SenCO. Mia, being the Student Body Organization Chairman, took care of it. It's really an advantage to have connections.

I smiled to myself. I don't have it in me to give in without a fight. Especially if that involves Alexander freaking Hevo Salazar.

I always believed that first days are important just like New Years. If you are happy during New Year's day, you'd be blissful all throughout the rest of the year. Otherwise if you start the year being upset or mad, you'll be like that until you change your calendar. So since this is my first day at school, I'm not going to let somebody ruin it. Being miserable all through my senior year is certainly not on my list.

The day had started with me and Hevo bickering. I suppose there'll be more in the coming days... or months. What I have to do is layout my gameplan and turn tables right now. I mentally checked the scoreboard:

Hevo - 2
Hay Lin - 1

I'm a point behind. I need to have the upper hand. If I lose, I'll lose forever.

When I entered the classroom, I walked towards Hevo who was sitting on his chair, bobbing his head to the music from his iPod. I snatched his earphones away from his ears.

"Hey!?" Hevo looked up at me with knitted brows in protest.

"Let me inform you that yours truly," I put my right hand on my chest to emphasize me. "The Hay Lin Kwan, succumbs to your challenge of being SenCO president." I bent over to level his face and gave a stern look, "Therefore, I advise you to prepare yourself because I will see to it that between the two of us, I will not be the loser."

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked, "Are you threatening me?"

"Are you threatened?"

He opened his mouth but then he closed it again. I think he was about to answer me directly but thought of something more dramatic way to answer. He pretended he was thinking. After two seconds, not that I am counting, he said "No" and smiled. "Not working."

I approached my chair while I said, "Consider it a warning then."

"Just so you know, I am not losing either."

"You can't be serious about this." That came off more of a question than a statement. Now I wonder why he's into this. He's never shown interest to stuff like this before. This is just a game.

"Maybe," That's it? "Are you?"

"Maybe." I tried to copy his tone but I failed.

"Hmm. By the way, the car service called and said the damage would cost around P100,000. I'm expecting you to pay up soon," he said.

"What?!" I almost fell from my chair.

"You have to pay the damages."

"My car got damaged too, you know. I'm not paying for anything," I crossed arms.

"Let's have a deal," he spoke. I have a bad feeling about this. "If you win on the election --- which I doubt --- I will shoulder all expenses but if I win, you'll foot the bill."

"Sounds good to me."

He stretched his arm to seal the deal and I reached his hand.

Boy, I need to win this bet more than ever.

Our teacher came in and went over the orientation. The day ended soon enough and I was glad because I've been stressed the whole morning.

"Brats, I can't lose."

My friends looked at me. We are at this small eatery that serves gotto, silog, and kwek-kwek. We usually hangout here after school.

"Don't worry brat, we are way ahead of you. We already got plans," Mia assured me confidently.


I walked in the corridor lightheaded than ever.


I heard someone called behind me. I did not turn around.


Ew. I rolled my eyes to that endearment. I did not bother look back at that poor guy who obviously was not paid attention by his "baby" because he wouldn't just shut up. Seriously, if I was his "baby" I surely would pretend I don't know him. Who would want to be caught up in the hallway with a crowd swarming around and be called dibs as his "Baby"? Some maybe, but not me.

"Hi love," someone whispered in my right ear and put an arm around my shoulders.

This guy is taller than me and he has this familiar face.

"Who are you again?"

"Silly." He gave me this boyish smile. "I'm your boyfriend."

Since when? I don't have amnesia, ok? I just don't remember the random boys I dated.

"Dude, what are you doing with my babe?"

Then came the "baby" guy from my back.

So I was his "baby"? Huh.

"What do you mean your baby?" My boyfriend-with-no-name questioned.

"Come here, baby," the "baby" guy said to me and claimed my hand.

"Back off, dude. She's mine!"

I was staring at both of them who eyed each other intensely like they're going to rip each other's head off. Oh gosh! Is this the prize of being the prettiest girl in school?

Before they started brawling, I attempted to walk away. Jesus! The last thing I want right now is be involved in a fracas and it will surely not earn me votes for the up coming elections.

"Baby, wait up!" The guy called the same time my boyfriend-with-no-name said, "Hay Lin."

"Scram. We are over," I said, not sure who I was referring to. Whatever. Whoever.

"Which one of us are you breaking up?"


"What? Why?" They asked at the same time.

"We are over the moment you called me 'baby'. We're through," I coldly spat the words to the "baby" guy then turned to my boyfriend-with-no-name. "That goes for you, too."

I'm pretty and sure that I'll have a new boyfriend soon...

in three,



"Hay Lin, will you be my girlfriend?"


So what do you think? :)
Let me hear from you. :)
I know this is very short.

Thanks for reading! :)

#EdSheeran ❤


Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Where stories live. Discover now