Code of Conduct 7

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Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 7

Hay Lin's POV

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I blinked.

This question has been asked a lot of times to me and it was very tiring hearing them but now, I nearly fell out of my chair.

What the heck!


Did hell has already frozen?

"You know it's rude to stare." Hevo said while I stare at him. "Hay Lin, are you always like this when someone asks you to be his girlfriend?"

I shook my head slowly. "Go ahead," I muttered.

"What?" His forehead creased.

"I'm waiting for it." He gave me a confused look. "I'm waiting for you to take it back... Or... Is this the part where I am supposed to laugh?"

"What? No," he growled.

"You know, you're not a very good comedian. But for the sake of your ego, okay I'd laugh." I faked laugh. "Is that enough for your joke?" Now I feel like laughing for real.

"Screw this. You are now my girlfriend." He stood up.

"Hey! I do not remember I said yes," I stood up, too.

"I asked you nicely and I do not remember you said no, either," he said.

"I did not hear the magic words." I said in a singsong voice.

"You are not making me beg, are you?"

I thought about it. "Begging would be nice," I grinned.

"Not a chance. You lost, you'll be my girlfriend."

"I don't want to." I firmly said.



I was taken aback when he said that. It was different. When I looked directly to his eyes, I saw something in there that I could not really decipher. Like... Was he...


If what Hevo asked has taken me aback, what came out from my mouth has shocked me even more.

"I can't."


"Stop bugging me. Leave me alone!" I glared at Hevo.

"Be my girlfriend."

I can't believe how annoying he is! This is sick. He's been bugging me the whole recess time even at the classroom.

"If you won't leave me with my happy life, I'd say you have a crush on me."

"Stop playing hard-to-get. Many girls would kill to be in your shoes. You're lucky to be my girlfriend."

What the! This casanova has some nerves to tell me that.

"YOU. ARE. A. JERK." I glared at this player. He just smirked and looked at me like I am some kind of a toy. I pinched his cheeks tightly.

"Ow! Ow!" He cried but he got a hold of me. "I don't want to do this but you asked for it," he said. What's he going to do now?

"FINE! I WILL BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!" He said loudly making every head in the corridor turn to us.

Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Where stories live. Discover now