Code of Conduct 5

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Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 5

Hay Lin's POV

I typed on my Instagram post as I am slumped on my bed. In a matter of two seconds, 24 hit hearts on my post and 21 likes on facebook notified. It was not much of a surprise when you have thousands of followers on IG, Twitter, Tumblr, and FB.

Among the notifications in IG, I bothered to pay attention to one that was not a heart, nor a comment, or a new follower. It was a direct photo from @hevoxanderdgreat.

The photo was another campaign material to encourage more seniors to vote for him. I rolled my eyes. He even earned a hundred hearts after a few minutes of posting. I was not threatened, though.

Out of curiousity, I checked his page. He was actually following me, and since I was feeling generous, I clicked the Follow button.

Social media could be boring at times and as of this moment, I got nothing better to do. I'm not really interested in the trending topics on Twitter right now either.

I jumped out of bed and decided to visit my favorite place in the house. The kitchen. Where else should I go? I'm almost an only child, my parents are not home, this house is big, it could be pretty much lonely. I'm used to it anyway so I don't get dramatic very much. Although, there are times that I miss my bestfriend around.

I reached the kitchen and saw my mom. She's a few inches taller than I am, sexy, she has a wavy black hair which flows just below her shoulders.

"Hey mom," I kissed her as I peaked at her cooking. "That smells delicious. What is it?"

"Hmm. This? It's steamed meat," she informed me proudly.

"Please don't tell me you're experimenting..AGAIN," I lamented.

"What? Pffft. Oh please. I saw this on tv."

I rolled my eyes, "Not again. The last time you said that, we called in Greenwhich to deliver us pizza because you burned the fish."

"Well I learned my lesson. I was just practicing then but now, I swear you will even forget your name when you taste my cooking," she flashes me her confident look and I recognize that I inherited this from her.

"Yeah, right mom," I put my hands up in surrender. "So why are you home early?"

"Your father called and he said he's joining us for dinner tonight," she put the pyrex with the steamed meat on the refrigerator.

"I thought he's flying to Ilocos?" I said. You see, my father being a senator, me and my mom have been used to all his trips, even during holidays. My mom explained to me when I was younger the demands of being a politician so when dad leaves off to somewhere, it's not really news to me. Don't get me wrong though, I don't have rebellious attitude towards my dad. I love and support him and what he does.

"I believe he did mention that he wants to discuss something with you," my mom said casually.

"Did he say about what?" I asked so that I'd get a headstart for later.

"Honey, can you hand me another pot holder over there?" She requested which I complied as I wait for her answer. "Let's just wait for him, okay?" She gave me a closed-mouth smile.

Uh-oh. "Mom!"

Dinner was the usual. Dad talks about his affairs, mom talks about work and they'll ask me about school.

Dad cleared his throat and turned to me with a serious face, "So I've heard about what happened the other day."

Alright. Here we go.

Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Where stories live. Discover now