Code of Conduct 15

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Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 15

Hay Lin's POV

The classroom was in a huge mess when Dora and I entered. The chairs were disarranged and some crumpled papers are scattered on the floor. The chalkboard was full of doodles made by my classmates.

Some of my classmates are outside while some stayed here and formed groups to chat or hang out.

We have no teacher today and classes were slacking since it is a preparation week for next week's Intramurals.

My brats are not here. Mia is pretty much busy since she's student body chair while Charm was forced by Max to watch her in her volleyball practice. Did I tell you that Bless is on her rehearsal for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals? She's representing the seniors.

I plugged in my earphones to my iPod and slumped to my seat beside Hevo. There is nothing better to do than to listen to some good music after a brief crying session.

I let myself drown by the music. Ahh. Music serves as my escape of emotions. It's like a cleanser. It helps me clear my thoughts to all the bulls earlier.

Oh gosh, I love this song! Rihanna's Girl on Fire blasted on my eardrums and I couldn't help but be swept away.

"This girl is on fiiiiire!!" I sang on the top of my lungs but someone snatched one earphone and I couldn't help but open my eyes.

"God, Hay Lin! Have mercy on our eardrums," Hevo said.

"I am singing, you idiot!"

He snorted, "Is that what you call singing? I thought a cat got stepped on his tail."

"I do not sound like a kitten, GL. You just don't appreciate music when you hear one."

"Oh I appreciate music, alright. You are just off key," he taunted.

"I sound fine. Like you have a golden voice," I fired back.

"I do not have a golden voice but my voice is enough to make me a part of glee club," he said half-matter-of-fact, half-bragging.

I slapped his arm, "You wish!"

"But I am." Then he added, "In elementary."

"Ha! You were young, your teacher was old. He or she must have heard you poorly."

"At least I'm not out of tune," he humored. I slapped his arm. "Face it, even Anne Curtis can do better."

My jaw dropped to the floor, "What?" I slapped his arm harder. He touched his arm to prevent me from hitting him.

"Aw, they are so cute!" Someone giggled. We snapped our head to the direction of the one who spoke.

Just then, I realized that everyone's eyes were on us. Some were admiring or amused while some were shooting glares and distaste at us.

"Do us a favor and get a room," Lexine said in her usual obnoxious tone. She's clearly pissed. I smirked. She is jealous.

Hevo ignored her and said, "Hey everyone, would you be so kind to tell this songer over here," he pointed at me, "how off-key she is?"

I hit him. Everyone laughed.

"She's not out of tune. She sounds okay," Dora answered him.

"Ha! Heard that?" I smiled widely. My new friend's words take that, Hevo.

Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Where stories live. Discover now