Code of Conduct 11

143 7 0

Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)

Code of Conduct 11

Hay Lin's POV

I was feeling funny. For some unknown reason, I could not figure out why. Another thing that is not helping my thinking is that Hevo is following me closely on my back. Too close, if you ask me. His scent is so distracting. I could not think straight. Plus, my heart is beating so fast again.

God! Why does Hevo need to walk so close to me? And why does he have to smell so good? Good-smelling guys are my weakness.

I tried my best to ignore this alien feeling by diverting my attention to the stores around. We are actually at the mall after our meal.

"Er, Hay Lin," Hevo called me softly.

I stopped walking and turned around to face him but instead of stepping back, he leaned in more closely. My breath caught up. What is he doing?

"Er, you uhm..." His face was red while speaking in a low voice. He put his hand on his nape awkwardly. "I think you need to go to the restroom."

"Why?" I asked confused.

"You uhm..." He coughed, "you have dirt in your skirt."

My eyes grew big and I panicked to check my skirt.

Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!

I could feel my face heating up. Oh dear! Why now?!

"Take me home, take me home please," I said. I'm already freaking out. Stupid period.

"Calm down, okay? Let's just go to the restroom."

"What? I have a stain on my skirt and I can't just go to the restroom and clean up," I hissed.

"Leave this to me, okay?" What? Is he insane?

"No! Hevo please!" I pleaded. This is really embarassing.

"Please Hay Lin, trust me." He said that directly to my eyes. I was not probably thinking because I agreed.

I went to the restroom but I have no absolute idea on what am I to do.

"What size are you?" He suddenly asked.

"What?" I am in utter puzzlement.

"I mean your feet. What size are you?"

What's the connection? What is he trying to do? Nevertheless since he said to trust him, I did his bid. "Seven."

Before he scoot away, I asked him where was he going.

"Damage control. Be right back."

"Damage control. Right. If you ever leave me here, and I find out this is a prank you're pulling, I'm going to have your head, Salazar," I warned.

"I prefer loverboy." He winked first before leaving.

Loverboy. Psh.

I checked myself. Ugh! The stain was not that big but it was visible enough for people to notice. I went over the lavatory and tried to wash it off.

If Hevo won't be back for me, I swear I swear I swear on her grave that I'll... I'll... Ugh! I don't know! But I am going to do something. That's for sure.

I managed to clean the stain eventually but Hevo has not come back yet. I put out my cellphone to text him but he did not reply. I seriously don't know what that guy's thinking.

While waiting, I texted Mia to get my things for me since I just left school without notice. I told her I would just come to her house later to pick up my stuff.

It took around half an hour before Hevo came back.

"Finally!" I said with relief. "I was already thinking of ways on how to slay you."

"Oh I thought you were thinking of ways to kiss me." He chuckled. He then handed me paperbags with a sanitary napkin, an underwear, a shirt and skaterskirt, and a pair of flat shoes.

My jaw almost dropped to the floor and I looked at him.

"Y-you bought all these?" I asked incredulously. This guy. Hevo. He bought all these? Wow.

"Uh, yeah, so..." He put his hand on his nape. I think he was embarassed. Oh, he is so cute! "Go change already. I'll meet you outside."

He went out the Girl's restroom. I smiled when I saw the things he have brought for me. I laughed when I held the sanitary napkin and the underwear. Probably he was very embarassed when he bought these. I wonder what the cashier was thinking as he paid for these.

Hevo, you are a guy full of surprises.

I changed into the new clothes he has bought me. They all fit well and I fell in love with the shoes he gave me. I look totally cute in this.

Huh, Hevo sure knows fashion as well.

Uh. Duh? I forgot again that he is a son of a stylist.

I stuffed my uniform inside the paper bags and went out to meet him.

He was there leaning outside the restroom. Boy, does he look like a magazine cut out. I honestly almost squealed at the sight of him. He was not wearing his uniform anymore. He wears a plain light blue polo and jeans, and black sneakers. He looks so cute! Stop it! What is really wrong with me today? I've been like this the whole afternoon.

He smiled when he saw me. Is it really me or does he just look handsome today?

"Are you feeling fine?"

"Ah yes. Thank you," I smiled at him. "How did you get all these things?"

"Trust me, it was embarassing." He fixed his hair using his hands. "Did I get you the right thing?"

I chuckled. He was not awkward with this stuff. "Yes. How did you know?"

"My mom kind of use the same thing so yeah, I just picked it up. Who knew there are so many kinds of them? There were different brands and then there's day pad, or night pad, or --"

He stopped because I cracked up laughing.

"I-it's f-fine," I was still laughing. I just couldn't stop. He was red all over his face, especially his ears.

"Hey, cut it out." He told me.

"Why did you have to fetch me those things when I asked you to take me home instead? That would have saved you from embarassment."

"Because I can," he paused. "And because I want to spend more time with you."

The alien feeling I have before, rushed back to me. And before I could stop my mouth, I said, "Me too."

I almost slapped my mouth and regret what I said but he smiled, then the words felt right.

"By the way, you look cute in that," he said.

"Yes. And I did not know you have expertise in fashion."

"I am not an expert. I just thought of what would look cute on you."

Aww. That was...sweet. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. And on serious note, you don't know much about me."

His last sentence got me. He's right. I don't know much about him. Maybe there is more to him than what I see on the surface.

"Shall we?" He asked.


"To our last stop."


A/N: So what do you think? :)

Please vote and comment? Pretty please? Bitte bitte? Danke! Thank you!

Stay awesome and Guten Tag! :)


Rule #143: Never Fall in Love with a GL (English V2.0)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora