Baby Mama

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"In the beginning everything was great we laughed went on family outings I even took family portraits you know the ones where you dress up in silly sweaters and pose awkwardly"Charles started laughing and held the napkin up to his mouth so no food would fly on Davita.

"Sounds like you where happy"Davita said smiling."yea those were the days I think about them everyday."Don't be ashamed of it no one ever gets over a lost one I know they think about you too your a wonderful person"Davita cut in to comfort Charles when he began to break down.

Listen to me go on about my sad story your turn give me your best sob story so maybe I want look so weak" Charles said sniffling and trying to smile.

"I am not married and I too have a little girl her name is June she is two and beautiful her father on the other end is an ass"Davita said rolling her eyes.

"Sounds juicy do tell"Charles said sipping his glass of wine."he stated drinking a lot more after wen ended it and he started dating a striper who he yes got pregnant around the same time we where together"Davita said taking a sip herself.

"Sounds like an up standing guy"Charles said sarcastically taking the dishes to the sink."I just know that when June grows up she's gonna want a relationship with her father and I don't want to take that away from her but I got a job offer/interview and if it goes well them I'm off to another state."

"...And what does her dad think of the move"Charles said walking back from the kitchen."The dad hates the idea he honesty told me I was not allowed to take her with me that he would take me to court"Davita said folding her arms
"So you think he is serious"? Davita bit her lip and shook her head a single tear feel down her cheek."listen let's go out I want to show you something"Charles took her hand and guided her up the stairs and into her spacious bedroom."Charles I hardly know you" Davita stopped at the door. Charles let out a hearty chuckle and stepped out on to his balcony. following his led Davita did the same."Davita I want you to know your in a safe zone I'm not looking for love or commitment I just want a friend. Davita held back her smile and let her mind wonder they gazed out at the starts for hours.

Davita woke to a packed notification screen mostly Marcus with the usual I miss you text and voice mail. Davita thought about the last time she spoke to Marcus his words ping pong in her head.

Davita tried to loosen up taking 2 shots at the bar before she found a seat."Nikki I'm glad you could make it" Nikki sat across from Davita in a see thru black button up blouse and black bra paired with an ankle length black skirt."believe me it was the last thing on shut to did list I can't stand you and I know you can't stand me but when you said June would be the topic I had to pop up and see what you where talking about." Well if you didn't know I have a job offer and it means me moving to another state" nikki ordered a drink from a passing waiter and gave Davita the rest of her attention." I'm happy for you if you move I want have to see you ever at my house again but I know you into drag me out here to brag so spill it" nikki took a deep look into Davitas eyes and gave her the floor." The thing is if I move Marcus is saying he will take me to court" Nikki sipped on her drink and pause." That mother fucka how dare he let me tell you a bit of advice Marcus is a foul dirt dog and he will never get his hands on June trust me I got something for his ads" nikki you seem more upset than me"
"Whatever my feeling are towards you is remaining but I think your a good mother and I'm willing to help just give me a few days and I will be in contact stay strong" nikki finished her drink and slammed the glass on the table.

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