Baby mama

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"Davita Maywood" a familiar deep voice  called out. Davits stood to her feet and her heart beat a million times faster she could feel her feet get weak and her knees  buckle. Everything was going dark and her speech was slurd  she hit the floor like a flat ball. "are you okay can you hear me " echoed thru her head.

Davita woke in a medical bed with a nurse standing over her. "how is she progressing nurse? " Davita shot up from the bed and look around the room."Charles what are you doing here? " Davita covered her body with her arms. "well I work here but I don't have to guess why you are here"
" doctor  Tice I will leave you two alone "the nurse left out in a hurry

"I have to go its nothing I'm sure I will be fine I just wanted to get a check up" Davita tried to jump off the bed but was stopped.  "and std  screening sounds pretty serious to me and you if it wasn't you wouldn't not be here " 

"look I'm not like that"Davita argued. "I'm not here to judge but to treat you like a regular patience what happened is purely your business " doctor Tise  walked closer to her and places his hand on her shoulder."your a good friend Charles but I'm going to request another doctor " Davita said clearing her throat.  Doctor Tise took off his lab coat and sat next to Davita on the medical bed. "I can't do that you need a good friend on your side so let me be here for you" Davita wanted Charles to know she appreciated him. "wait I came with others do they know about my little incident" doctor Tise smiled and nodded "your talking about the loud light skinned woman and the little dark skinned guy don't be alarmed I sent them on there way in a cab" They both broke out in laughter.

"okay now I have to be a doctor for another 3 hours so let's get these test going" Davita changed into a a backless gown. Two nurses walked in the room one to draw blood and another to check her vitals. After and hour of sticking and swallowing Davita was released but warmed not to have sex taken her paper work and heading to the front door she was stopped by doctor Tise. "hey do you wanna go get dinner when I get off? " Davita wrapped her arms around his tone waist and inhaled his cologne."I would love to but I have a few loose ends I need to tie up" Davita dropped her arms and walked away.

Pulling in her apartment parking lot see spotting Nikki and Marcus standing by Nikki's car. "okay so and if I go duck another niggardly I bet he will treat me better than you keep ducking up and Nikki will own you book book" Davita thought about driving away she couldn't deal with there drama but a phone call from her mother put that idea an pause.

"your grandma got her as lock upon Las Vegas for prostitution " live said annoyed. "you can't be serious she is well in her 60's" Davita rolled her eyes and shook her head. "tell that to her hot as I gotta stay and fix her mistakes I need you to pick June up from the airport I pined a note to her shirt with your number on it the flight attendant told me she would call you as soon as they land" with that being said Davita hung up on her mother and cursed the air and to make matters worse Marcus was walking towards her.

"bitch's I'm tired of this... You can you open your door for I kill this bitch" Davita rolled down her window so she could speak. "no can do I have to go pick June up at the airport so.. " Marcus turns to Nikki and flips her the finger "I'm up" Marcus jumps in the car with Davita while Nikki begins to start getting car up. Stopping at the driver side window  Nikki flipped him the finger back"i think you riding with her is best cuz you get in my car immaturity crash and see is another bitch will take care of your ass".

"that girl gone" Davita mumbled.
"you the one who she call her best friend see this shot I gotta go thru with her" Davita was taken back when he said Nikki refers to her as a best friend ever seven day one they hated each other openly and behind closed doors." you choose to be with that situation" Davita rolled her eyes.
"Do you know that I love you and will always love you" Marcus  kisses her neck and she moves his face with a free hand. "no I don't because you bring her to the place we lay our head that's not love that's betrayal" Davita keep her eyes on the road trying not to look at him. "D  I know that was ducked up but you never gave me a chance to explain when I said I didn't cheat I was for real well partly  I had her come over yes but to meet you" Marcus reached out and touched her thigh.

"OK I'm interested in hearing the rest meet me for what? "Davita changed lanes and could see that the airport was only a few miles a head. "I wanted you two to be close because I wanted to adopt the baby she was carrying and raise it as our own" Davita pulled up in the parking lot and burst out in tears"why do you want to hurt me Marcus it's one thing that I can't have anymore kids but you think by getting a bitch's pregnant on me will make me happy" Davita couldn't hold back her emotions she swung and aimed for Marcus's upper body not caring where her fist land. "D  chill chill" Marcus grabbed both her arms and pined them to the side of her. " I deserve that I know but the big question is did I fuck her in the house never she came over and agreed to talk to you about adoption but when I told her I didn't want to keep fooling around if she gave the baby up she went nuts started screaming and throwing stuff I tried to calm her down but she kissed and started getting undressed I could hear you at the door  but she ran to the bedroom I followed her and she she was layed out on the bed that's when you came in" Marcus let go of Davita and waited for her to say something.  The silence was broken when Davita phone rung. "hello.... Yes this is she how may I help you? " Nodding her head to the words coming from the other end of the phone as the  Davita thanked the caller and hung up.

"could you go inside and get June?; she is with the flight attendant getting her luggage " Marcus rushes to the airport doors and disappears inside. Another ring from her phone catches her attention "Charles what's going on? " Davita said Looking out her passenger window. "I wanted to know if you could meet me at my house Im off in 20" Davita could see Marcus and June traveling to the car. "I have to call you back" tossing the phone back in her purse she unlocked the doors and greeted her baby "June I miss you did you miss mommy?  Extending her little arms out to her mom June kissed Davita  and fell back in her seat"mommy can daddy  spend the night?" June gave her puppy dogs eyes and pouted." I don't know what is daddy gonna do about your brother" Davita said buckling June in. "he can come to we can sleep in the  bed together " Davita looked back at Marcus and frown "did say tell you that" she said still looking his way. "yes! " June giggles and looks out the window. "well daddy can spend time with you but your brother is going to stay with his mom tonight " Davita started the car giving Marcus the evil eye.

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