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Hey Guys. I know it took me some time and I'm sorry for that. But I'm incredibly thankful for those of you who kept waiting and hoping for a next part and "kicked me in the ass" so I would update another chapter. So here you go.

When Natasha woke up the next day, Wanda was still sleeping snuggled up to her side, snoring lightly. How adorable. She roamed her eyes over Wanda and couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. Man, she really had to stop thinking like that. She made her way out of the bed, careful not to wake Wanda up and quickly changed into some training clothes. It was still early in the morning but she didn't want to risk getting caught so she put on one of Steve's Caps she found in the living room before going on a quick run to clear her thoughts.

An hour later Wanda woke up and turned around confused when she didn't feel Natasha at her side anymore. But the bed was empty. She could feel disappointment welling up in her but quickly pushed it down again. Why would she be disappointed by that? What was up with her in the last time? Without Nat as a source of warmth next to her she felt somewhat cold and decided to warm up with a shower before she put on sweatpants and a hoodie she stole from Steve a while ago. His hoodies were just so comfy and fluffy and big that both she and Nat liked to steal them, much to Steve's disapproval.
Then she headed for the kitchen where she found Natasha making breakfast for everyone.

"Good Morning. " She greeted the redhead. "Morning Wands." Natasha quickly flashed her a smile before turning back to prevent the bacon from burning to ashes. "Where did you go this morning?" Wanda asked. "I went on a run. Why? Did you miss me little witch?" Natasha smirked while she put the bacon on a plate. "No, I was cold." Wanda pouted. "Aww, poor baby. I'm sorry I left you freezing to death even though it's SUMMER." Natasha laughed. A few seconds later Wanda joined in. "Well you know me I'm always cold." She said. "I know. I'm sorry." Natasha answered still smiling and turned back to the stove to look after the eggs.

Wanda took this time to really look at Natasha. She was wearing black jogging pants and a red t-shirt, while her hair was tied up to a really messy bun. Wanda could see her muscles move beneath her tight shirt with every motion she made. Damn that looked good. Wait why was she again thinking like this? She seriously had to stop. But it was true she looked so good. No this had to stop.

At the same time Steve and Sam made their way into the kitchen. "Morning you guys." They greeted. "Morning boys." Nat replied. Steve looked over at Wanda who hadn't reacted to them at all. "Wanda!" He said again. "WANDA!" He yelled.

With that she was pulled from her thoughts. She looked up to see everybody looking at her. "Huh?" She said. "I said good morning. Where were you with your thoughts?" Steve chuckled. She quickly glanced at Natasha trying to find out if she had noticed her staring, but if she did she didn't let anything show. "Um... Yeah Good morning. I... Uh... I was thinking about how long we'll have to stay here." She lied. Steve nodded seeming to be satisfied with that answer but Sam smirked at her, making her blush, wondering if he'd seen her staring at Nat. "Ahh do I smell Eggs and Bacon?" Steve said sniffing. "I don't know, do you Rogers?" Nat mocked while she put the plates on the table. "Nat you're the best." He smirked. "I know. Where's Barnes by the way?" She asked. "He's still getting changed. Should be here any minute though." Steve answered while he sat down.

"Hey is that my Hoodie?!" He asked when he looked at Wanda again. "Um... No?" Wanda replied. "Yeah it is. How often do I have to tell you guys that I don't want you wearing my hoodies?" He groaned in annoyance. "Oh come on they're just so comfy." Nat butted in. "Yeah and you didn't seem to notice this one was gone. I've had it for months. And if we're being real you have more than enough of them." Wanda defended herself. "You'll never stop, will ya? He said." Never stop what?" Bucky asked as he came in. "Wearing his hoodies. And no we won't." Nat explained. "Well you have to admit that you have enough of them to share." Bucky said as he entered the kitchen. "You're supposed to be on my side!" Steve said offended. "You know it's true." Bucky replied. "Ah whatever." Steve groaned. Nat and Wanda just smiled triumphantly.

During the meal they kept glancing at each other but quickly looked away when the other noticed. That also continued throughout the next weeks but they were both determined that it meant nothing.

"Guys we can go back to the compound. We're needed." Steve told them one morning when he came into the kitchen. "Oh did Ross finally realise that he needs us either way?" Sam asked. "Not exactly. Rhodey did and asked us to come back. He said that they noticed some strange things going on and that they can't do it without us. We're still criminals but they'll stand at our side this time. I mean I'm still not sure about Tony but I think he'll come around when he sees that the others are with us. Hopefully." Steve explained. "Well then let's go home." Natasha said and they left to pack their things.

"You okay, Wands?" Natasha asked. The brunette was oddly quiet and that worried her a bit. "Yeah I'm fine." Wanda aswered without looking at her. "Don't lie to me. You know you can talk to me." Nat said. Wanda sighed audibly. "I know." She said. "I'm kinda worried." She added after a short pause. "Worried about what?" Nat asked while she sat down next to Wanda on the bed. "First of all that we're going to end up back at the raft and secondly about Vision. I really hurt him and I'm scared that he hates me." Wanda admitted. Natasha felt a pang of jealousy when Wanda mentioned Vision but shook it of. "We're not going to end up at the raft. I promise. And don't worry about Vision. He won't hate you. He's your friend. Besides I don't think there's anyone who could hate you." Natasha reassured her. "Thank you. You always know what to say to make me feel better." Wanda said. "Well that's what friends are there for." Natasha replied. "Well then let's go home." Wanda repeated Natasha's earlier words.

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