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Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating so long but our teachers gave us so much work to do during quarantine and I never really found the time to write. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It was dark. She felt the coldness of the wall transferring to her skin through the back of her shirt. She tried to move away from the ice cold wall but felt the pain of the shock, sent from the choker on her neck, pulsing through her veins. She screamed out in pain. She wasn't sure how long she could withstand this. Even the slightest movement was punished with a shock. So she could do nothing except for staring at the opposite wall. For hours, days, weeks. She had lost track of time but she didn't even care anymore. She was slowly losing hope of ever getting out of this cell again. Did the others forget about her? Or did they just not care?

That's when the lights flickered on and someone stepped into her view. "Nat?" She whispered after she took in the well known figure in front of her. "Are you alright little witch?" Natasha asked while she ripped off the choker around her neck and freed her of her ties. "I thought you wouldn't come. I thought you wouldn't care." She said. "Oh Wands of course I care. I was working on a plan to get you out. You mean way too much to me to just leave you here." Natasha said. "And now we need to leave or they'll get us. Come on!" She added. They made their way through the seemingly never ending corridors. Just when they were about to get out of the gate a loud bang was heard. She looked around confused trying to locate the noise. Her eyes stopped on Natasha to see her collapsing to the ground while she clutched her hand to her chest.  And then she saw the blood running out between Natasha's fingers. "No!" She cried while falling down to her knees next to Natasha. Wanda pressed her hands onto the wound for dear life while the tears that dropped from her face mixed with the pool of blood on the ground. "It's okay Wands. I'm fine. But you need to leave now or they'll get you, too" Nat said. "No! I'm not leaving without you!" Wanda sobbed. "You need... to. Wanda... they'll get... you!" Natasha said but life was slipping from her as fast as she was loosing blood. "No Natasha, please! Don't leave me alone!" Wanda cried but her eyes began to close. "Nat!" Wanda yelled one last time before Natasha fully closed her eyes and strong amrs picked her up from the ground.

Wanda sat up in bed breathing heavily with sweat covering her skin. She looked around confused, not recognizing where she was at first. But as her eyes roamed around the room and finally stopped on Natasha sleeping peacefully in bed beside her, memories made their way back to her brain. They were at a safe house,  they arrived at earlier this day and were staying at for a little while. It was a small house so some of them had to share bedrooms and of course Wanda had volunteered to share one with Natasha, as they were best friends while Steve shared one with Bucky and Sam got one for himself. Clint and Scott had both left for their familys.

Wanda was still a bit confused over her dream. Why was she just dreaming of Natasha rescuing her when actually she and Steve had not only rescued her but all of them. And the pain she felt when Natasha had died was unbelievably strong. Sure, Natasha was her best friend and she would be absolutely devestated if she died but it felt almost as if she had lost a piece of herself like she did when Pietro died. But it was just a dream after all. Just a stupid nightmare. Nothing to take serious. She was about to stand up to get a drink from the kitchen and to clear her mind when the bedside lamp turned on and she heard Natasha's voice.

"Wanda? Why are you awake? Are you alright?" She asked. Wanda turned around to see Natasha looking at her worried. "Yeah I'm fine." She said. "Don't lie to me Wanda. You know you can tell me. What's wrong, huh?" Natasha said and leaned against the headbord, still looking at her. "I had a nightmare." Wanda admitted. "Wanna tell me what happened?" Natasha asked.

"Uh... I was back at the raft and you guys were rescuing us but just before we could escape they were getting at us from everywhere and you guys... you all... died." Wanda lied. She felt the pain again when she thought of Natasha being dead and looked away. Natasha crouched forwards and slung her arms around Wanda. "It was just a nightmare. We got out of there and we're all alive. We're safe now and you are, too." Natasha reassured her. "Yeah but it felt so real. It was horrible." Wanda said. "I know, I know. But it was just a dream. It doesn't mean anything. Is there something you need?" Natasha asked. "I was just about to get some water." Wanda replied and went to stand up. "Wait up. I'll get you some." Natasha offered. "Oh no, you don't have to." Wanda said. "It's ok. I just want to help you. You stay here and I'll get you a water." Natasha smiled.

Wanda watched as she climbed out of the bed and came back with a glass of ice water a few minutes later. "Thank you." Wanda whispered when she came back. While Wanda drank she couldn't help to roam her eyes over Natasha. She noticed how beautiful she looked. She was waring black shorts and a red tanktop and had her hair in a messy bun with a few strands of hair hanging loosely around her face. It was when she looked into her forest green eyes that she noticed Natasha looking back at her, smirking. She must've noticed Wanda eying her up and down and Wanda turned her head away while a slight pink blush appeared on her cheeks showing how embarrassed she was about getting caught. Natasha giggled lightly before asking Wanda if there was something else she needed. Wanda shook her head no before putting the now empty glass on the bedside table and climbing back under the blankets.

"Okay then try to get some sleep. I'll be here if you need something." Natasha said. "Yeah, good night." Wanda replied. "Good night." Natasha smiled and turned off the bedside lamp. After a few minutes she could feel Wanda cuddling into her side and placing an arm over her waist. Natasha's breath catched in her throat and her heart rate picked up but she couldn't bare the thought of telling Wanda to back up. So she placed an arm around her, pulled her a little closer and hoped that Wanda didn't notice how fast her heart was beating.

I know it is not the best chapter but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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