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"Alright, what's going on?" Natasha said, as she entered the conference room. "What we knew would be happening. Thanos has been seen throughout the galaxy, leaving every planet he comes across in total destruction and chaos. Only now we know what he is searching for." Steve said.

"Which would be?"

"He's searching for something called the Infinity Stones of which the earth is currently harboring 2 out of 6." Steve explained. "What in the world are Infinity Stones?" Natasha asked.

"I'll try to explain it, as it was explained to me. You know when at the dawn of the universe, there was nothing?"

Natasha nodded. "We'll at the beginning of our universe the Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, the Infinity Stones, across our universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind and Time. Thanos has already acquired 3 of them but it is said he's on his way to the fourth. We don't know if he already has it or not but what we do know is..." Steve began.

"He'll come here to get the last two, as soon as he has the fourth one." Natasha finished. Steve nodded. "The Time Stone is with Doctor Strange, so it is relatively safe but he'll call us when he needs help. The other one however, the Mind Stone, is currently in Visions forehead and we'll need to protect him." Steve explained. "How long do we have to prepare?" Natasha asked. "We don't know. He could be here any moment." Steve said. "We need a plan Nat." He added. "Alright, do we have any chance to get that stone out of Vision's forehead? So he isn't the main target anymore?" Natasha asked. "Not that I know of. I mean it's his power source isn't it? Won't it kill him?" Steve said. "I think I might know someone who could help us with that. Also we would be safe there for a while. At least as long as we need to. We could prepare and train." Natasha said slowly, still deep in thought.

"Who are you thinking of?"

"King T'Challa." Natasha answered. "They have the newest technology. Maybe they could find a way to safely separate the stone from vision." She added. "And what will we do with the stone after it has been separated from Vision?" Steve asked. "We're both thinking the same thing aren't we?" Natasha said. "I guess so." "It needs to be destroyed. We can't keep it safe forever." "Alright we're on the same page then." Steve said. "But how will we destroy it? It's a crystal stronger than anything earth technology could produce." Natasha said. "Wanda." "What?! No Steve. She's not strong enough for that. She's still in recovery." "She's our only chance. You've seen her power. I believe she is strong enough." Steve said. Natasha looked torn for a few seconds before she nodded slowly. He was right. If anyone would have a chance, it would be Wanda. "Alright then, I'll talk to T'Challa and then we'll talk with the rest of the team." She agreed.

A few weeks later the day of the battle had come. Thanos reached earth and they began their plan. Wanda was long recovered and almost fully back to her usual strength, so they were pretty sure she would be able to destroy the stone.

"Alright Wanda you stay here and wait for them to get ready, so you can destroy the stone as soon as they get it out of his head." Steve said. "What? No way! I'm a good fighter. I'm strong. You need me." Wanda protested. Natasha could see the hurt in her eyes. She wanted to help on the field. Even more now after she was hurt and worked to recover faster and get back to her pervious strength. She took a few steps towards her girlfriend.

"Wanda. He's right..." She started to say but was interrupted by Wanda: "What?! Nat we talked about this..."

"Alright calm down!" Natasha said. Wanda obeyed and waited for what Natasha had to say. "You know the plan. It's not about that. I know you can fight. I know how hard you trained for this. I know how strong you are. And that's exactly the point. You are the only one that is strong enough to destroy that stone. And that's our only chance of winning. So you have to stay here and destroy the stone. Because you're the only one that can." Natasha said. "Alright." Wanda said. "But don't you dare die out there without me. I want you back in one piece." She added. "I'll try my best." Natasha said. And with that she and the others went out to keep the army at bay and left Wanda with the Princess of Wakanda and Vision. She looked after the, for a few seconds.

"I'll try my best." Natasha had said. She wanted her to have said "I won't" but she knew that Natasha couldn't promise that. Their enemy was strong and there was a possibility that this was the last time they had seen each other. For a few seconds a wave of fear rolled over her. Fear that her girlfriend would be hurt or worse wouldn't return to see her again. But those thoughts were disrupted by Shuri calling for her. She followed the Princess to another room where Vision was already in the process of getting his stone safely removed.

"How long will this take?" Wanda asked after a while. "A little longer. We have the best technology but even we are not that fast." Shuri answered. Wanda nodded and walked over to the large windows to watch the battle that was going on down there. She scanned the battlefield with her eyes in search of her girlfriend and when her eyes spotted her, her heart almost stopped.

There she was in the middle of the field, next to Okoye while one of the huge alien ships rolled towards them. There was no way for them to escape and Wanda felt the panic rise in her. Without a second thought she told Shuri that she would be back. Ignoring Shuri's yells for her to stay, a few seconds later she found herself only a little behind Natasha and Okoye. With her magic she lifted the ship of the ground in the last second and crashed it into the aliens all around them, ripping large gashes into the ground. Natasha and Okoye spun around and Wanda flashed them a smile, while she was met with a confused glance from Natasha. She went to walk towards them to explain but in that moment, she heard Steve yell over the comms:

"Somebody get to Vision"

"On my way!" She yelled into the comms. He was her responsibility and she left him. So now she needed to get him back. She was just about to fly towards him when she felt a punch to her head, that made her fall forwards in one of the deep trenches she had made earlier.

"He'll, die alone as will you!" She heard from somewhere. She tried to ignore the heavy pounding in her head and to locate the sound, but when she did and turned on her back to protect herself, the alien was already above her.

"She's not alone." She heard from somewhere behind her and with that she saw Natasha attacking the alien. Everything went fine until the alien knocked her to the ground and held a blade dangerously close to her throat. She saw Nat struggle and with a sudden strength she stood up and threw the alien in the air, where it got hit by one of the ships rolling over their heads, spraying blood all over Natasha in the process.

"That was really gross. Couldn't you have done that earlier?" She asked while walking over towards Wanda, who had sank down to the ground again, to help her up. "Just be glad that I saved your life, would you?" Wanda answered but let herself be pulled up by Nat nonetheless. "I am. Thank you." Natasha flashed her a quick loving smile. "But you need to get to Vision to destroy that stone." She said.

"I know."

"Alright, then." Nat turned to leave but Wanda pulled her back by her hand. Natasha raised her eyebrows in confusion. "This time I wanna do this right." Wanda said.

"What do you mean?"

"I love you." Wanda said and pulled Natasha in for a quick kiss. "I love you, too." Natasha replied after they parted. "Be careful" she whispered against Wanda's lips and gave her another quick kiss. "You, too." And with that Wanda left them to go find Vision.

"Vis!" Wanda yelled out as she finally found him and landed next to him. "Come on we need you to get back!" She said. "No Wanda you need to destroy the stone." Vision said. "Are you out of your mind? That will kill you! We need to bring you back to Shuri." "Wanda there is not enough time." He said, his voice suddenly very calm. "Yes there is. Come on." Wanda said, desperation in her voice.

"Wanda you know there is not." He was right. She knew there wasn't. But she didn't want to believe it. It would definitely kill him, they both knew that but Wanda wasn't so sure if she could live with herself afterwards, even if he asked her do to it.

"Wanda, you need to do this. You know you do. It isn't fair, but it is the way it is and we have not  much time left." Vision said again. Wanda hesitated but then she nodded. This was the only way.

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