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Nat sat at the bar, sipping her fourth wine of the evening trying to endure the boring event going on that was one of Tony Stark's parties. They got less and less exciting over the years as they were always the same. "You look way too good in that dress to sit at the bar all evening and get drunk." Wanda said as she sat down next to her. Nat almost choked on her drink. Was Wanda flirting with her? No, she must be imagining things. "Well you don't seem very sober yourself." Nat answered. "What? I'm like totally fine. I didn't drink that much." Wanda said. "Mmh." Nat replied because that was clearly a lie. "But seriously you need to show of that dress. You look gorgeous." Wanda said. "Thanks so do you but I'm fine here." Nat said. "You're boring." Wanda whined. "I'm not boring. I'm just enjoying myself by myself." Nat smiled sarcastically. She was definitely not enjoying herself. "Come on I saw you sitting here all night. You're clearly not enjoying yourself." Wanda said. "Well ok. Let's say hypothetically you're right. What do you suggest I should do?" Nat said. "Dance with me." Wanda said and grabbed her by the wrist starting to drag her away from the bar and her beloved wine. Nat's eyes widened. "I don't wanna dance." Nat protested. "Sucks for you because I don't care." Wanda said giggling. "Oh god. I'm not nearly drunk enough for this." Nat sighed and followed Wanda to the dance floor.

After a few songs they walked back to the bar to get a few more drinks. "That was actually pretty fun." Nat said. "Well everything is better than sitting alone at the bar. Especially being with me." Wanda smiled. Nat just laughed. "Uhhh let's get shots!" Wanda said excitedly. "I don't know if that's a good idea. You're already pretty drunk." Nat said. "Am not! I'll be fine." Wanda said. "Alright if you say so." Nat said and ordered them a round of shots.

Half an hour and a lot of shots later Nat had started to get really drunk while Wanda was already way past that line and totally wasted. "Oh my gosh. Thas one my favorite songs. Les go dancin!" Wanda slurred suddenly. Nat giggled at that and let herself be dragged to the dance floor again. Next thing she knew she had her arms around Wanda's neck, who had her hands on Nat's waist and they were dancing to some song. "You like fuggin gorgeous!" Wanda said and pulled Nat even closer. Nat's breath hitched. How did they get so close? Fuck how did she even get here? She instantly took a step back to put some space between them. "Whas 'rong? Wanda asked. "I think we should get you to bed now. Don't you think you had a little much to drink?" Nat said. "Pfff noo! m'fine. I could drink wayyy more!" Wanda said. "Alright we're going to bed now." Nat said and walked Wanda in direction of her room. "Where are you going?" Steve asked as he approached them. "I'm bringing Wanda to bed. She had a little too much to drink." Nat said. "No I haven't! M' totally fine. Couldn be better." Wanda said. "Ah I see." Steve laughed.

"Wait!" Wanda yelled as Nat was about her room after helping Wanda get into bed. "Let's do something tomorrow, yeah?" She added. "Yeah, if you still remember that you asked this tomorrow, we can do something." Nat said. The answer was a light snore. Seriously? Only Wanda could make a situation like that this cute. She laughed lightly before closing the door.

"Ughh!" Wanda groaned as she stepped into the kitchen. "Are you ok?" Nat asked as she looked up from her lunch. "No. I have a huge hangover. I'm never drinking that much again." Wanda said. "There are two pills of Advil and a glass of water on the counter." Nat said pointing to her left. "Thanks, you're the best." Wanda mumbled while walking over to take the pills. "So if I'm better you're still up for doing something?" Wanda asked. "Yeah sure. Wanna meet up here again in two hours?" Nat said. "Yeah that's sounds good." Wanda replied. "Alright see you later then." Nat said and left.

"So Are you ready to go?" Nat asked when she came back to the kitchen two hours later. "Yep let's go." Wanda replied and grabbed her jacket from the chair. "Wanda I thought we were going out today?" Vision suddenly said. Where did he come from? Wanda's eyes widened. She seemed to ask herself that, too.

"I... um..." Wanda started. "You forgot it, didn't you?" Vision said. "I... yeah. I'm so sorry Vis." Wanda said. "How could you forget? We planned this for weeks!" Vision said. "I know. I'm really sorry but since Nat and I are on good terms again we spent more time again and I kinda just forgot." Wanda said. "You've done something together everyday the past week. I almost never saw you. I'm really happy that you guys are friends again but that's not a reason to completely forget about us." Vision complained. Wanda looked at the ground ashamed.

"Hey it's ok. You guys do something and we can hang out some other time." Nat said. "Are you sure?" Wanda asked her. "Yeah I'll be fine. He's right you really haven't spent much time together the last week."  Nat said forcing a smile. "Thanks. We"lol do something tomorrow. Promise!" Wanda said giving Nat a quick hug. "It's alright." Nat said before turning around to go. On her way out she could hear Wanda and Vision talking to each other. "I'm so sorry, Vis. I really am. How can I make it up to you?" Wanda said. "It's alright. Just go out with me my love and everything will be forgotten." Vision answered and Nat cringed. The past week had been just her and Wanda and she had almost forgot about Vision. But he was still there and he was still Wanda's boyfriend. And she was still jealous. Stupid feelings!

A few days  later Wanda caught Nat in the hallway. They hadn't talked since and Wanda grew annoyed at Nat trying to avoid her. "Okay I don't know what I did this time, but you can't keep doing that." She said. Nat jumped startled. She hadn't expected to see Wanda around here. "Doing what?" Nat asked. "You can't keep distancing yourself and ignore me for days. This is not how a friendship works. If you don't want to be friends anymore then just say it but you need to decide what you want because this doesn't work for me." Wanda said and turned around to leave but was stopped by Natasha grabbing her wrist.

"Wait! Look I'm sorry ok. Of course I still want to be friends. I just have something on my mind that I have to deal with. I didn't mean to upset you or distance myself from you." Nat said. Wanda's expression softened. "You know you can always talk to me, right? About anything." Wanda said. "I know. But I'm not ready yet." Nat said looking down. "Alright. But if you are you know where to find me." Wanda said smiling. Nat nodded.

"So you wanna watch a Movie or something?" Wanda asked. "Sure let's go." Nat said.

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