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The next day Wanda walked around the compound in search of Vision. When she found him in the living room she took a few deep breaths before stepping into the room and sitting down next to him. "Vis, we need to talk." She said avoiding to look at him. "This doesn't sound good." He chuckled nervously. "Vis I'm sorry but I think we should break up. I'm... I'm in love with someone else. I'm really sorry." Wanda said.

"It's Natasha, isn't it?" He asked. "I... how do you... yes." She stammered. "I see the way you look at her. You never looked at me that way." He said. "I'm really sorry." She said. "It's ok Wanda. You don't choose who you fall in love with. I knew that your heart didn't belong to me in the beginning. Yet I chose to ask you out. I hoped that maybe something would change and you would like me the way I like you but it's ok that you don't. I just want you to be happy. If that is with her, then that's ok." He said. Wanda was speechless. She had pictured this going so many ways but this wasn't one of them. "So, friends?" He asked after a while. "Yeah, I mean if that's ok with you?" Wanda answered. "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't. I saw this coming for a while. Don't worry about me, I'm fine." He said and smiled at her. "Okay then friends." Wanda said. "Thank you for being so understanding." She added and hugged him.  He just smiled and hugged her back.

A few days later Wanda tried to catch Steve after training. "Hey Steve! Wait up!" She said and jogged up to him. "Yes?" He said and turned around. "I... um... I wanted to ask you something." She said fiddling nervously with the hem of her shirt. "Yeah sure. Ask away." He smiled at her. "Yeah... so you're like Nat's best friend right?" She asked. "Yes. Why?" He replied confused. "So... um... if I wanted to... like... take her on a date, what would I do?" She asked while a blush crept on her face. His eyebrows shot up into his hairline.

"You want to take her on a date? Aren't you dating Vision?" Steve asked. "I was. When I went after Nat yesterday, I may have pushed her a bit and she confessed that she had feelings for me. So I told her that I had feelings for her, too and that I was dating Vision because I thought I could never have her, which I know wasn't fair to him. But I talked to him this morning and we agreed on being friends. He actually kinda knew." Wanda explained. "Okay wow. That's a whole lot of new information. But I'm glad you two finally found each other." He smiled at her. "So... about the date? What should I do?" Wanda asked. "So um I wouldn't take her out to some fancy dinner or something. She isn't the extraordinary type. She appreciates the small gestures. You could cook dinner, maybe something Russian. She always says that she misses Russian food. What's that one she likes again? Ah yes right, Pelmeni. She really loves Pelmeni. You could do that and maybe watch a movie or something and just talk. Deep down she's a romantic." He chuckled.

"Okay, yeah that actually sounds really good. Thank you Steve." Wanda said. "No problem." He said. "One more thing though." He added as she was about to turn around. "Yeah?" She asked. "If you hurt her again, you'll have a problem." He said. "That's not my intention. You have my word. Wait, again? What do you mean again?" Wanda said. "Um...nothing." Steve said his eyes widening. "Steve what did you mean by that?" Wanda said. "Ok I'll tell you, but if you tell her that I told you she's going to kill me. So don't tell her, alright?" Steve said. "Yeah oaky I won't say a thing. Now tell me." She said.

"Well, when you announced that you were dating Vision, she actually wanted to tell you how she felt on that day. But you were faster with telling everyone about you and Vision and you kinda broke her heart. That's why she's been so weird around you lately. She was just really hurt and tried to keep a distance to get over you." Steve admitted. "Oh my god really? I feel like such a bad person now. Oh my god I can't believe I did that." Wanda said, looking horrified. "Wanda it's not you're fault okay? You couldn't have known." He reassured her. "Still. If I had just told her how I felt instead of chickening out and starting to date Vision then I wouldn't have caused her so much hurt." She said. "The only thing that matters right now is that you can be together now." He said. "Yeah I guess you're right. Thanks again Steve." Wanda answered. "No problem. Now go take your girl on a date." He said. She nodded excitedly and turned around to leave to prepare her date with Nat.

After everything was ready she went to Nat's room. "Are you busy right now?" She asked as Nat opened the door. "No. Why?" She replied. "Because I'm taking you on a date right now." Wanda said. "Wait what? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've worn something more appropriate." Nat whined. "You don't need to change, you look gorgeous." Wanda smiled at her. "In Jeans and T-Shirt?" Nat said. "Doesn't matter what you're wearing, you're always gorgeous." Wanda said. Natasha blushed.  "Now come on." She added and took Nat's hand to tug her along.

When she opened the door to the rooftop Nat's breath hitched. The whole space was filled with fairy lights and some candles. In the middle was a blanket on the floor with a lot of pillows surrounding it. Next to the blanket stood a little basket that was filled with the dinnerWanda had prepared for them, as well as a bottle of wine and two glasses. At one end of the rooftop was a big screen, for a little projector that stood in front of the blanket, made out of a white bedsheet.

"You did all that?" Nat asked as she turned to Wanda. She nodded shyly. "I love it." Nat said. "You do?" Wanda asked hopefully. "Yes. It's beautiful." Nat reassured her and pulled her forwards, eager to start their date. When they had sat down Wanda pulled their dinner from the basket. "Oh my god. Are those Pelmeni?" Nat asked excited as soon as she saw what Wanda had prepared for them. Wanda nodded. "You want some?" She asked. "Yes of course." Nat said. Wanda chuckled. She thought her excitement was really cute. "I hope they're good. You know I'm not really experienced with Russian food. And I want everything to be perfect and..." She rambled. "Hey, don't worry. I bet they'll taste delicious. I haven't had those in years. They are my favorite. How did you know?" Nat asked. "I actually asked Steve and he told me. You want some wine?" Wanda said. Natasha nodded and Wanda poured both of them a glass of wine. "Thank you." Nat said after a while. "For what?" Wanda asked. "For all of this. For surprising me. It's really sweet of you." Nat said.

After they ate and watched a movie Wanda had brought from downstairs it got a little chilly and they decided to go back down. "I had a lot of fun tonight. That was a really great idea. I loved every second of it." Natasha said when they reached her room. "Me too. I'm glad you liked it." Wanda said. "How could I not? I had you by my side. But next time I'm taking you out." Nat said. "So there'll be a next time?" Wanda smirked. "Um... I mean if you want to... you don't have to... I mean..." Nat rambled. "Of course I want to, you idiot." Wanda interrupted her laughing. "I actually wanted to ask you something." She added shyly. Nat looked at her expectantly. "So...um... will you be my girlfriend?" Wanda asked nervously. Nat's eyes widened. "Of course. That's the sentence I've been waiting to hear for a long time." She replied smiling. Wanda smiled back. Then she leaned down and pulled Nat in for a kiss.
"You want to come in? We could continue that movie night?" Nat suggested. "I'd love to." Wanda replied and followed Nat into her room.

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