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Wanda sat in the living room zapping through the tv programs without paying much attention to what she was doing. Vision watched her from the doorway worriedly. "Wanda, honey don't you think it's time to go to bed?" He asked carefully. She shook her head. Natasha was on a mission and she should've been back a few days ago. But they hadn't heard of her in a while and Wanda was worried sick about her. "Wanda you really need to sleep. Just a little bit." Vision said. He was right she hadn't properly slept in almost 3 days except for an hour here or there. She was exhausted and she knew that he was right but she had to know if Nat was ok so she would sit in the living room and wait for her to return. The thing is it wasn't unusual that Nat stayed longer on her missions than anticipated sometimes even weeks but she would always call and let the team or at least Steve know who would then tell the team. Only this time she did not. "I need to know that she's okay Vis. Until then I can't sleep you know that." Wanda answered. "Wanda this is unhealthy." He tried again. She looked at him sternly. "Alright. I'm going to bed though. Good Night my love." He said and walked over to her to giver her a kiss on the forehead before making his way out.

It was half past 4 in the morning when suddenly the doors of the elevator opened. Wanda snapped her head up to see a really bad looking Natasha stumble into the living room. Her suit was ripped at multiple places where one could see some gashes in her skin some deeper than others while she clutched her side where blood was slowly pouring out between her fingers from what Wanda thought must have been either a stab or bullet wound. She was really pale and sweat was glistening on her face while she tried to hold herself upright. With a few big steps Wanda rushed to her side. "Oh my god! Nat what happened? Are you ok?" Wanda asked her voice wavering. So she had been right to worry. "I'm... fine." Nat forced herself to say before everything went black and she collapsed forwards where a panicking Wanda caught her and carried her to the infirmary yelling at Friday to get Bruce.

"What happened?" Bruce asked as he rushed into the infirmary and his eyes fell to Nat who Wanda had laid onto a hospital bed. "I don't know. She just came back a few minutes ago looking like this and then seconds after she just fell right into my arms. But... um she has some kind of wound on her side. Maybe a bullet or stab wound." Wanda said. "Bruce nodded and went right to inspect the wound Wanda had mentioned. That's when Steve came into the infirmary having  been woken by the noise in the hallways. He was a very light sleeper. While Wanda filled Steve in on what she knew about what had happened Bruce further inspected the wound. "So I need you both to leave now. I'll call you when finished patching her up and you can come back." He said after a few minutes. "What no, we can't leave!" Wanda protested. "Yes you can. I need room so I can help her. She's gonna be fine Wanda. I'll call you right when I'm done, I promise."  Bruce said. Wanda went to protest again but Steve pulled her out of the room by her wrist. "He's right he needs room. Come on we'll wait in the living room or somewhere else." He said.

Wanda looked at him, tears threatening to spill. "What if she's not going to be ok?" She whispered. "She is. Bruce is a good doctor and Nat is a tough girl. She's had worse than this. She'll live. Trust me." Steve said and pulled her into a hug.

Sometime later Bruce entered the room. "How is she? Is she going to be alright?" Wanda looked at him expectantly. "So Wanda you were right it was in fact a bullet wound but it didn't damage any vital organs. She had another few gashes that weren't really deep but she seemed to have lost a lot of blood that's probably why she collapsed. She got a blood transfusion and should wake up soon." Bruce explained. "Can I... um I mean can we go see her?" Wanda asked. "Yeah sure. When she wakes up just call me alright?" Bruce said. "Yeah will do." Wanda said before quickly leaving for the infirmary. Steve followed her but after a while he chose to rather leave Wanda alone with Nat and told her she should also tell him when Nat would wake up. Wanda nodded without taking her eyes of Nat. She was still worried and Nat still looked really pale.

After half an hour Nat began to stir and Wanda's head snapped up from looking at her fingers which she had been fiddling to meet green eyes staring back at her. "Hey you're awake. Are you ok?" Wanda asked softly. "Yeah. I've had worse." Nat said with a raspy hoarse voice moving to get up. "Woah, what are you doing?" Wanda asked. "I'm getting up?" Nat answered. "No you need to stay in bed. Bruce still has to check on you again." Wanda protested. "Wanda I'm fine." Nat said and sat up trying to hide the pain she was experiencing in her stomach. But Wanda saw her noticed it anyway. "Nat you were shot! I can see you're in pain and as I said Bruce still needs to check on you. So you're going to lie back down!" Wanda answered sternly. Nat saw the worry in Wanda's eyes so she did as she was told and lay back down. "What even happened? You were supposed to be here days ago and then you just appear out of nowhere at 4 in the morning with a fucking bullet wound and collapse right into my arms! I thought you were going to die! You fucking scared me!" Wanda said. "We'll things just weren't going as they were supposed to be but I handled it. It could've been worse." Nat shrugged.

"Are you kidding me? That's what you call 'handling it'? You could've died! In case you didn't notice you were shot. A bit more and you would've died because you're blood was all over the fucking floor instead of inside your body. When you came home you've already lost a lot of blood and you continued to loose more and... god there was so much blood. And you were so pale. I really thought you were gonna die." Wanda said sniffling towards the end. Her gaze hat shifted from Nat towards the ground while she talked. Nat looked at her with wide eyes. She hadn't expected such an outburst. "Hey I'm sorry I scared you. But I'm alive Wanda. You don't need to worry anymore alright?" Nat said. Wanda just nodded keeping her eyes locked to the ground. "Wanda look at me." Natasha pleaded. When she did Nat could see the tears in her eyes. "Come here." She said while moving to the side and padded the spot next to her. Wanda hesitantly did so but when Nat pulled her into a hug she threw her arms around her and the tears began to fall.

"I really thought you would die. I don't know what I would've done if you did. I can't live without you, you're my best friend." She whispered into Nat's hair. "But I'm here. I'm here and I'm alive. So please stop crying Wanda. You don't have to live without me." Nat said.Wanda nodded and hugged her a little tighter before eventually letting go and wiping her tears. But she stayed on the bed next to Natasha until Bruce entered the room. Wanda waited outside while Bruce checked on her and a little while later the door opened and Natasha stepped out. "Don't you have to stay there or something?" Wanda asked. "No, Bruce knows that he can't keep me there so he let me go to my room. But he thinks I should stay out of training for a while." Nat said.

"I don't only think you should stay out of training for a while, I told you to stay out of training for a while. Wanda make sure she does as she's told." Bruce said from inside the infirmary. "Will do." Wanda called out to him. "Come on let's get you to your room." She said towards Nat. "What? You're seriously keeping me out of training. That's not fair." Nat pouted. "Yes it is now come on, you need to rest." Wanda chuckled. Nat just groaned but followed her.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and wanted to quickly tell you that a new wave of exams is coming up and my next three weeks will be spent learning to try to get a decent grade😂 so I don't think there's an update coming in the next three weeks but after that I have two weeks of vacation where I'll be back. I hope you understand.

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