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Oh my god. 5k reads already. This feels so surreal. I would've never thought that so many people would read this. Thank you guys so much. It means a lot to me.😊

"Good to see you guys again." Rhodey said. "Well it's certainly good to see you, too." Steve answered. Nat just went straight past him and pulled Rhodey into a hug.

"I see you are back. Shall I inform Mr. Stark about this?" Vision, who just stepped into the room, asked Rhodey. "No it's ok. He'll find out on his own and deal with it." Rhodey answered. "Well then I welcome you back. It has been quite a while." Vision said. "Wanda, I'm glad to see you again." He added with a smile when he spotted Wanda next to Nat. "So you're not mad at me?" She asked. "No, why would I be mad?" He replied seemingly confused. "Because of what happened before I left?" Wanda said. "No, I am not mad at you, Wanda. You did what you needed to do. If anyone should apologize than it is me. I am sorry for trying to hold you here against your will. That certainly was the wrong thing to do. I hope you are not mad at me." Vision said and bowed his head. "You just wanted to protect me and not disappoint Tony. It's ok Vis." She said. "So you are accepting my apology?" He asked and looked up. "Only if you accept mine." Wanda said with a smile. "Of course I do accept your apology." He said and she pulled him into a tight hug.

Nat had watched this conversation with concern. Wanda seemed to really care about the android and that bothered her a lot. She didn't like how affectionate they were towards each other. The hug lasted longer than it should in Nat's opinion and in that moment she would have liked nothing more than to tear them apart. But instead she turned around and disappeared without a word in direction of her old room, not being able to look at them any longer.

She pushed the door close behind her and sat down on the bed. "Fuck! I really do like her!" She muttered under her breath and put her head in her hands. This could not be happening. She couldn't like Wanda. They were good friends. Nothing more nothing less. Wanda wouldn't want more. She obviously liked that damn android. "Fuck!" She said again and layed down looking at the ceiling debating whether she should tell Wanda and risk everything or just keep her mouth shut. She decided for the latter. It was just a stupid crush, wasn't it? It would go away eventually. Well then why had it been there for so long? They say after three months it's not just a crush, it's being in love. "Shit!" She hissed as she finally let it sink in. She liked Wanda. A lot. And there was nothing she could do about it.

"You ok?" You just stormed of." She heard a voice say ."I'm fine Steve." She told him and continued to stare at the ceiling. "You sure? Because it sure as he'll doesn't seem like you are." He tried again. "I said I was fine!" She hissed and sat up to meet his eyes with an annoyed look. "Okay. Well if you wanna talk sometime, just say something." He said and left.

A few days later Wanda and Nat were training. It actually went pretty well until... Vision appeared. He watched them training and eventually told Wanda what she could do better or what she did good. Either way, he was constantly talking what annoyed Natasha to no end. Worse he was only talking to Wanda what annoyed her even more. "I think we should call it quits for today. But you were really good. Same time tomorrow?" Nat said. "Yeah sure." Wanda replied smiling. "You did really good today. You can be proud of yourself, you improved a lot." Vision said as Nat ended their training. She rolled her eyes. She had literally just said the same. "I was wondering if you would want to grab a coffee." He added. Nat froze in shock. Please say no. Please say no. "Yeah why not? I just need to take a quick shower. We can meet in the living room in an hour if you're ok with that." Wanda replied and Nat's heart sank. Wanda really seemed to like Vision. "Of course. I'll wait there for you." Vision said and turned to leave. "See you later?" Wanda asked towards Nat. "Yeah sure." Nat answered quickly and headed for her bedroom.

Deep in thoughts about Vision and Wanda, Nat didn't notice Steve eyeing her worriedly as she passed him.

"Okay, what is going on?" Steve asked as he entered Nat's bedroom shortly after her. "Nothing. I'm fine Steve. I already told you that the last time." She answered. "Well I don't believe you. Nat, I'm your best friend. I see you're not fine. You know you can talk to me." Steve pushed. "I know. But there's nothing to talk about. I'm fine. Just drop it already." She said. "Alright. Then just talk to me whenever you're ready. I just wanna help you. It's ok to need help sometimes. So if you change your mind just say something and I'll be there for you." He said and headed for the door.

"Steve... Wait." She stopped him as he reached the door. "Maybe I do want to talk." She added hesitantly. He just turned around and came back to sit next to her. They sat in silence for a while and Steve waited patiently for her to start talking. "I... I think... I'm in love with Wanda." She said after some time. "You think?" He said. "Yeah I'm not really sure. I've never felt like this about anyone. And that... It scares me Steve. I don't know what to do." She admitted. "Well, what do you feel when you think of her or when you're around her?" He asked carefully. "I... I feel happy. But every time I'm around her I don't really know what to say because I fear I'll say something stupid. And when she hugs me or just touches my arm or something I get this funny feelings in my stomach. Also when Vision is around her I'd like to punch him in the face." She told him. "That's called jealousy." He chuckled. "Steve that's not funny. I don't know what to do." She said. "I'm sorry. I think you should tell her though." He said. "Are you out of your mind? I can't tell her." She hissed at him. "And why not?" He asked. "She doesn't feel the same. I don't want to lose her. What if she'll hate me? I couldn't live with that." She answered. "She'd never hate you. Also you don't know if she feels the same. If she doesn't she doesn't deserve you. But you can't know until you tell her. I know you're scared but if you don't tell her you'll always ask yourself what would've happened if you did." He said. "Why are you so good at this? How do you manage to always make me feel better with your little speeches?" She asks. "Because I'm old and wise." He said and they both began to laugh. "You should really talk to her." He said once more. "I'll think about it. Thank you Steve." She said. "That's what friends are there for." He said smiling at her and left.

Maybe she should really talk to her. Steve was right, she'd always ask herself what would've happened if she told Wanda. Maybe she should just risk it.

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