*Choji's P.O.V.*
I beamed as I pump my fist beside me, on the side (Y/n) can't see. I just wish the food would get here soon cause I'm so hu- oh, there it is!

*Reader's P.O.V.*
Choji looks overly excited, which I assume is the waiter approaching with the plate stacked full of meat that he sets down on our table. Choji is the first to pick up some and set it on the grill, with the rest of us following. In the middle of our meal, we hear rambunctious excitement coming from outside the restaurant. Before anyone has time to look, a certain unpredictable blonde bursts in with a pink-haired girl and another boy trailing behind. Yep, you guessed it. Team seven! "Kakashi-sensei better not be late again! He said he would treat us to lunch!!" Naruto marches in, then stops as he spots us. "OH, HEY!! It's (Y/n) and the others!" He grins and takes big and dorky- but cute -steps over to our table with his hands resting behind his head. "So you guys are here for lunch, too? That's great! We can-" Asuma-sensei appears before us, cutting off Naruto before he can finish his sentence. "Hey, guys." Asuma-sensei mutters around an unlit cigarette in his mouth with a smile. I, along with team ten, return the greeting to our sensei who wastes no time in informing us why he's here. "Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, we've got another mission today- or did you forget? (Y/n)-" I interrupt with a polite wave of my hand. "I know, I know. I won't be going. It's alright, I know I'm still recovering. I'll just keep Naruto and the others company." I reply, which Asuma-sensei grins at and nods to me. "Don't worry, you'll be on plenty of missions when you make a full recovery. Alright, team, let's go." He starts walking out, so I get out of my seat to let Choji out. The always-munching boy was taking as much as he could to go before running out to catch up with his sensei. "Bye, (Y/n)!!" Both Ino and Choji shout as they exit- though Ino doesn't leave without shooting a glare toward Sakura. Shikamaru glances towards me and hands me the cash. "Here. Use the rest for them, sense we barely got to eat. See ya." He waves and turns to leave. "ALRIGHT!! Let's eat!" Naruto exclaims, nearly pushing Sasuke out of the way to take a seat on the side I was originally sitting in. I giggle and sit beside Naruto, the other two taking their seats across from us. Choji's second order came around so we didn't have to order ourselves, so everyone put pieces of meat on the grill while I finished up my own plate. After a minute, I hear a low voice speak up, "So.. (Y/n).. Uh, how's your recovery going?" I blink in surprise as I look up at Sasuke. "As good as it can be. I figure I'll be fully recovered in about a week or so." I reply as I shoot a confused look toward Sakura, if only to indicate that I still wasn't interested in Sasuke and had no idea why he would be asking me such a question. Sasuke only looks away with a 'hn' which leaves all of us confused. "Anyways, how's your guys' missions?" I ask quickly while scratching the back of my neck. I wanted to change the subject and leave behind the awkwardness that hung in the air like a mistletoe above two friends that had been shipped before but didn't want a romantic relationship. Unexpectedly, another voice makes its presence behind me. "Good. In fact, after Naruto's outburst in front of the Hokage, we'll be doing a more advanced mission." I turn to see Kakashi-sensei standing beside our table. I smile and nod a greeting to him. "Hi, Kakashi-sensei! That's great, I'm sure it'll be more interesting for you guys." I forgot to mention that during my recovery, I had gotten to know Asuma-sensei as well as see Kakashi-sensei around.  "Hello, (Y/n). Oh, by the way, I just came from talking to the Hokage myself. You will be joining us on this mission, which takes place in exactly one week. If I heard correctly, that's when you'll be out of recovery, correct? Would you feel up to it?" I beam at the prospect of going on a mission, but before I can answer, Naruto slams his hand on the table. "OF COURSE SHE WILL, BELIEVE IT!! RIGHT, (Y/N)?" The blonde finishes with a thumbs up, which I giggle at. "Yes! I would love to, thank you Kakashi-sensei!"


*Reader's P.O.V.*
I paid for most of the meal (well, Mrs. Nara did), Kakashi-sensei helping with the rest. I figured Shikamaru would be a while, so I went with Sasuke and Sakura to the field that team seven had taken their test at. Naruto was so excited for the mission, he ran off saying he needed to prepare and train. I sat beside one of the wooden posts, Sasuke leaning against the one to my left, whilst Sakura stood in front of us. "(Y/n), are you really friends with Ino?" Sakura inquires abruptly. I blink up at her and tilt my head "Well, sure. She seems nice, albeit annoying at times." Sakura huffs at my response and crosses her arms. "Well, she's not. She-" I stop her mid-sentence with a glare. "Listen, Sakura, whatever beef you have with Ino, leave me out of it. I know you two compete for- er, someone's attention, but I'd like to stay away from that. There's nothing wrong with being friends with you both- and I've already had this talk with Ino as well." For a second, it looks like Sakura is about to protest. Instead, she just sighs and looks down shamefully. "Right. Sorry. Well, anyway, I've got to get going. My mom is expecting me." She gives a small smile before saying goodbye to both Sasuke and I, waving before she walks off. Once we're left alone, Sasuke snickers. I look over curiously, and raise a brow. "You're not like most girls." He states simply. I stand up, a smile tugging at my lips. "I'll take that as a compliment." I respond as I lean on my crutch. He looks at me, then averts his gaze. I swear I see a light blush, but I disregard it as part of my imagination. "Get well." He mutters, almost inaudibly, and just like that he disappears. "Huh, who would've ever thought Sasuke could be so caring." I giggle to myself as I make my way to the Nara household, where Shikamaru awaits to continue our daily routine of yoga under the setting sun.

Ahhh I know this is sort of a filler chapter, I'm sorry!! I just couldn't help myself. But this chapter does serve a purpose! Can you guess what it is? That's right! To establish a relationship with Choji! And develop more of one with Sasuke (and a bit of Naruto) as well. Welp, I hope you guys liked it! It's almost midnight for me, so off to bed I go! You'll be going to the land of waves in the next chapter so buckle down and get ready!
-love, Lemon <3

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