Awake But Not

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Sorry these updates are taking so long, I know my little asparaguses wait for them! As for why I'm not updating this story like crazy? I changed a few things in the plot. I actually had this whole book planned out before I started writing it, but some things I changed. Which, by the way, changed a lot of things further in the book. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Read on, my little asparaguses!!! (And I have a new P.O.V in here that'll blow your socks off)

*Sarutobi's P.O.V*
I sit at my desk, lost in my own troubled thoughts. What if that jutsu affects not only her, but the people of Konoha as well? For all we know, it can be a target that leads the enemy right to us... A knock comes from the door, and I tell the person to come in. I look up to see Anko. I raise a brow, surprised. Anko bows, then stands straight once again. "Hokage, I would like to suggest something referring to the... condition that (Y/n) is in." Her voice is unusually calm, not the usual, excited Anko that would blurt our orders to the genin. I dip my head towards her, a signal for her to continue. She does. "If you can communicate with Lady Tsunade, then I think it would help greatly in figuring out what this jutsu is capable of." At the end of her sentence, she crosses her arms and her face becomes more stern. "And, if I may, I would like to request that this be soon. I'm sure that you've considered the possibility this jutsu can become harmful to others?" I hum and nod in response. "The problem with that, Anko, is that I do not know if I can convince Tsunade to come here, even if I can miraculously get a hold of her," I pause, then continue, "but of course I will take your suggestion into consideration. It won't hurt to try. You may leave, I need to ponder on your request." Anko gives a curt nod and leaves. Tsunade, eh? That is exactly who we need at this moment...

*Neji's P.O.V*
I currently sit in the waiting room outside of the emergency room. What? It's not like I want to be here... Tenten dragged me along! There are the other genin as well. Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, Shino, Kiba, Lady Hinata, and the others. I sit between Tenten and Lee, elbows on my knees and head resting on my hands. I wonder how she's doing... My thoughts wander to how she got into her current situation and a surge of sudden, confused anger lurches inside me towards Shino and Kiba. Those two idiots... They couldn't even protect her! What kind of teammate can't protect their fellow peer from one rogue ninja? I shake my head, trying to stop these ridiculous thoughts. It's not like I even like her... So why am I so angry that she's unwell? I sigh softly. Tenten looks over at me, and a small smile plays at her lips. "What is it, Neji? Are you worried about (Y/n)?" She giggles. I only huff loudly in response, "Hardly." I grumble, turning away from her too quickly. She makes a small squealing sound. "Omigosh, Neji! You have a cru—" Before she can even finish the sentence, I slap my hand over her mouth and narrow my eyes. "No, I do not." I state as calmly as I can, which is a bit hard to do. Tenten only giggles as if she knows better, and heat rushes to my face. I scowl at her and remove my hand from over her mouth. She immediately leans in and whispers in my ear, "I bet she likes you too!" My eyes widen at this and I snap my head towards Tenten. When I look at her, she's sitting back, hands behind her head, as if nothing had happened. More heat rushes to my face and ears, and I stand up from my seat. I clear my throat quietly and say a quick "excuse me" while I go towards the restroom to rinse my face with cold water.

*Tenten's P.O.V.*
I smirk as Neji excuses himself and walks towards the restroom. I've never seen him so flustered before! He really does have a crush on her! I start internally fangirling. They would be so cute together!! I AM SO DETERMINED TO BE THE WEDDING PLANNER!!! I pump my fist in the air at the thought, suddenly intent on getting Neji and (Y/n) together. I realize the other genin are looking at me with puzzled expressions. I only smiled sheepishly and give a weak, nervous chuckle before leaning back in my chair. I shouldn't get so excited, but I can't help it! Neji hasn't shown this much emotion before, especially to someone he isn't close to. If (Y/n) can do that, then they're clearly a perfect match!! Again, I internally fangirl at the thought of my new o.t.p. (Y/n) better hurry up and wake up from her coma!!

*Shikamaru's P.O.V.*
After Tenten's spontaneous fist pump, we sit still for about another fifteen minutes. Neji walks back into the waiting room, but his face seems a bit red. Three more minutes pass. Finally, a doctor comes out and looks around the room carefully. His eyes land on me and I look up at him with curiosity. Suddenly, he points to me and then jabs his thumb behind him, indicating that I should follow him. I hesitate, confused, but stand up and cautiously walk after him anyway. He walks quickly down the hall, then takes a sharp left. A couple doors down, he takes  a right into room #44. Again, I hesitate; however, I know it is necessary. The doctor holds the door open for me so I enter the room. As soon as I am in the room, the doctor steps out and closes the door behind him. Confused, I look around the room only to realize that the Hokage, a strange woman with enormous breasts, and my father are beside (Y/n)'s bed. I bow down as my eyes meet those of the Hokage, which is all I can think to do since the current situation leads me to be even more puzzled than before. As I stand back up, Lord Hokage speaks. "Shikamaru. I've been expecting you.. As you can see, I was able to bring Lady Tsunade to the Leaf Village. She is one of the great three Legendary Sanin's. She has great medical skill and we think we may be able to cure (Y/n). The only catch is, we have to do it as soon as possible. Every second wasted counts. There won't be much time to explain, so you must be ready. Will you be willing to help?" He pauses, and looks at me expectantly. Afraid to hesitate anymore for the sake of
(Y/n)'s health, I answer right away. "Yes, of course, Lord Hokage." Even though I have many questions to ask, I dare not ask them. Lord Hokage nods, acknowledging my acceptance. "Right. Then here is what you have to do."
Ok so... I know it took waaaaaayyy longer than usual to update.. it's because I have writer's block!!! :( Its the ABSOLUTE WORST I HAVE EVER HAD!
Anywayyy, so sorry this is a shorter chapter, but hopefully it's enough until the next update? WHICH WILL NOT TAKE AS LONG I PROMISE!!!! Also, I switched some of the songs around so those of you that have made music requests, I WILL be getting to all of them!
I love you all, my little asparaguses!!!!!!

-love, Lemon <3

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