3. Celebrations and Uneasiness

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Just to clarify... You DID eat lunch with Shino, I just forgot to put it in... sorry!
Now onto the story! (I added music btw)

*Reader's POV*
"What would you like to know?" Kiba shrugs, glancing at me out of the corner of his eyes quickly before looking straight ahead again. "Basic stuff, y'know...family, childhood, any friends..just stuff like that."
"Well.. I don't exactly have much of a biological family- I guess that's why I came here."

"I'm glad you did. I- I mean- I'm glad I met you," Kiba stuttered out awkwardly. He's kinda cute when he's nervous.. My cheeks feel hot when he turns his head and our eyes meet, so I refocus my gaze ahead of us.
"Thanks, Kiba.. I'm glad I met you, too." It's hard to suppress a smile, so I don't try. Neither of us talk for another moment, but the silence isn't uncomfortable. Finally, I take a deep breath and continue on with the conversation.
"I lived in Sunagakure for a while. A family took me in, and I lived with them until I came here. They were pretty fun to be with," I laugh while thinking back on my time in the Hidden Sand Village.

*Kiba's POV*
Their laugh... I smile, taking in the joyous sound.
"It's good to hear you weren't on your own," I reply while petting Akamaru. Wait..is he trembling? I look down worriedly at him.
"What's gotten into you, bud?" I whisper, but he only whimpers a bit and hops into my jacket. He's worried? About what? I tense up, but I can't smell anyone near. Except..... Is that Bug Boy? I hear Akamaru whimper again. What? (Y/n)? Why would he be worried about them? I pet Akamaru to calm him down.
"Tell me later, 'kay bud?" I mutter under my breath. He trembles more but obeys and quits whining.

"So..uh, any friends?" They hum in thought.
"Right now, you and Shino. But I know you're talking about my childhood. Mamoru was my best friend, but I have no idea where he could be. That was before I moved."
"And what about after? Were you.. y'know, super close to anyone?" The real question I want to ask is "Is there anyone you're interested in" but it might make things awkward asking so straightforwardly.
They shake their head and exhale, "No, except for the siblings of the family that took me in. Temari, the oldest, I really got along with her. She's super sassy and rough around the edges, but a great friend overall. Then there's the middle child, I think his name was Koonkyroo or something weird like that- and he wore cat ears! It was pretty easy to tease him. I didn't get to see the youngest very much, but I know he's the same age as us."

They pause for a moment, then giggle and scratch at their head.
"Sorry.. I guess I got carried away talking about them. I've never really gotten to share with people like this, so I might've been a bit excited."
I can see their eye sparkle with joy, which makes me pretty happy, too. (Y/n)...
"No, it's fine. I like listening to your voice," I blurt out before I can think about what I'm saying.

"R-really?" They stammer a bit.
"Er- yeah.. Um- not in a weird way though!" I chuckle awkwardly, clearing my throat and continuing to talk before they can reply in hopes of changing the subject.

"So, only Shino and I right now, huh? No one else?"
"Ah, no, not really. Maybe Shikamaru, but I haven't talked to him as much."
"So why haven't you hung out with any girls lately?" They sigh.
"They... seem more interested in other things. I guess I will try though. Hinata seems really nice. I don't know about the others.." I nod. "Yeah, they all just fight over Sasuke." They hum in agreement then stare at nothing in particular, probably thinking about something.

"Wanna get somethin' to eat? We are suppose to be celebrating our graduation from the academy, after all."
They look at me then beamed, "Oh, of course! Do you have a favorite place? I haven't been to many of the restaurants here." Y/n clasps their hands behind their back, looking expectantly at me.
"I know exactly where to go," I exclaim, taking their hand in mine and running out of the forest and in the direction of my favorite restaurant. Now we can finally get rid of that buggy stalker, too.

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