PLEASE READ (Updated: 10/28/23)

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NOTE: all NEW updates are going near the bottom, until I catch up on all the chapters!

I know this probably isn't what you want to read, and I'm sorry!! I just want to explain a few things! Also, there's some *cough* music I thought you all would like–

First of all, I'm so sorry for the wait </3
I know it's been a while, but taking the time to rewrite all of the past chapters (I feel) is necessary for this book. For some chapters, you might see about an 80-90% change, and that's because I've almost completely rewritten them. I wasn't satisfied with how I wrote them when I first started this book, but now I feel much better about them! Once I get all of the past chapters updated, I'll continue on with the current chapter that I kinda.. abandoned halfway through because the previous chapters were bugging me so much.

Second, I just want to explain that sometimes the editing is very slow, I'm in college now so I'm very busy at times. I won't be for a little while since I'm on Christmas break (happy holidays, by the way!!) so I'll be working on the chapters A LOT while I can.

- God, sorry for the long period of inactivity, college is crushing my soul right now 😭 but I'm back! I wanted to give ya'll a heads up so that you can look forward to new updates in the story! I've got like 2 hours to myself today that I'm solely dedicating to this book, so I hope I can get a lot done during that time (??/??)

-MORE UPDATING TO BE DONE! I'm working on the book right now so hopefully the chapter I'm editing will finally be done today (ngl I have been sorta pushing it off because editing it is BRUTAL but I love you guys so I'm finishing it today no matter the sacrifices I have to make) (9/23)

-MINOR CHANGE! Instead of having you choose your friends name ((Y/f/n)), I will have a set name to make writing about him easier. Apologies! I've also just finished the chapter "The Truth Behind the Past" if you'd like to go back and reread it! MAJOR REVAMP of the chapter! I'd recommend rereading it if it's been a while, a lot of changes have been made!! (10/17)

-IMPORTANT NOTE! So, I know previously I stated that chapters will have changes due to editing... well about that... I'm actually re-writing this whole book. The plot and content before was, I feel, very sloppy and not well-written. I'm changing A LOT of things to have a cleaner story line, so please feel free to re-read old chapters! All chapters with numbers beside them are completely revamped and will now be considered the main story. For the rest of the chapters, please regard them as "placeholders" because while the general plot will remain, they will eventually be erased and replaced. I'm very sorry about the inconvenience, but I feel this will make the overall fanfic a lot better, and I hope you guys think so too! Please check here for more updates and feel free to ask questions below. (10/28)

You can also comment here to ask questions about the book! I know that I have gotten comments in the past asking about how quickly updates will be, so if you're curious about that or anything else, put them here! I don't think I get notified every time I get a comment (Wattpad has been so-so on my end), so it'd make it a lot easier if they're all in one place! I'll respond to every comment placed here, and make one myself as the first comment so that you can either reply to mine or make a new one under mine. Please don't be shy! If you're left wondering about something, then just ask away!

Well, that's it! Sorry it ended up being kinda long, haha. Anyways, I hope all of my lovely readers are doing fantastically, and if you're not, that's okay too! I wish you well and hope things start looking brighter for you in the near future ❤️
With that, I'll be off! I shall await to see your answers, and in the meantime keep working on previous chapters.

-love, Lemon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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