Chapter Twenty Five

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Tim Hortons on Davie street, Vancouver, BC

March 11, 2020

Cal's POV

"What time are you meeting him?" He heard his mom ask from the kitchen. Cal was on the couch with Sam, looking through the classifieds and playing peek a boo behind the pages.

"2 o'clock. Thanks again for watching Sam. I don't know how it's going to go. I don't want Sam to be there if it doesn't go well."

"Cal, I am happy to watch Sam. You know that. It will be fine."

Not knowing what else to say she simply smiled at him encouragingly. She was trying so hard, Cal thought looking at her.

"Thank you mom.  You're great. Thanks for everything. I mean it. Thank you." He said and walked over to hug her. She hugged him back and smiled at him.  

"Take the car. I don't need it this afternoon. Sam and I are going to go for a walk, probably visit Mrs. Parker down the road."

"Thanks. Well I should go. Wish me luck". He gave her a hug and kissed Sam.

"Good luck".

Cal managed to find a decent parking spot and walked into the coffee shop. He sat by the front door and wondered if he would recognize him.

He hadn't seen him since Garrett was 10 and he was 13. As soon as the giant bearded man with the long hair walked in he knew it was him. Garrett recognized him as well and Cal noticed the apprehensive look as he walked over, signaling he was getting a coffee then walked to the counter. Cal noticed Garrett looking at the small group of men at the table to the back but he kept walking to the counter to get his coffee.  When he returned to the table he spoke first.

"Hi Cal. I'm Garrett."

"Hi Garrett. Thank you for meeting me." Cal said nervously.

"Yeah, I was really surprised when Allison told me that you wanted to meet me."

Cal had imagined this moment, when he could finally meet the 10 year old boy that he had caused so much pain to. He had envisioned it so many times that he now that the moment had arrived he was painfully nervous. The boy was now all grown up and sitting across from him.

He sighed and gathered his strength to carry on. This was up to Cal to apologize. It was Cal's moment to try to make amends. To ask for forgiveness.

"I have so much to say to you that I don't even know where to begin." Cal said looking at his hands. He glanced up to see Garrett's face, his expression was calm and it seemed to urge him on.

"I am so sorry Garrett. I didn't mean for it to happen. It was an accident. I am so sorry."

Garrett's POV

Cal was noticably upset, tears bordering his eyes and his words tumbled out of his mouth like a bucket of marbles tipped over. Garrett looked at his pained expression and felt his profound grief.

He studied the man sitting across from him. For years he had wondered what happened to him. Was he sorry? Did he feel bad?

There was a time after the accident that Garrett did wonder if he had pushed him on purpose. Garrett had been abused at home  and bullied at school so it was sadly natural for ten year old Garrett to jump to that conclusion. The nurses had reassured him that it was an accident and they calmed down his fears. He was safe they told him.

When he was finally reunited with Allison she also reasurred him that it was an accident and that the boy never intended for him to get hurt.

He didn't blame the boy that sat across from him. From the look of guilt on Cal's face he did enough blaming for the both of them.

"Cal. I know it was an accident. Thank you for being sorry, I appreciate that but know that I never blamed you." Garrett finally spoke and delivered his message typical of Garrett: peaceful and calm.

Cal stared at him in disbelief. . "How can you not blame me?"

Garrett simply shrugged. "My perogative." He laughed. Cal stared at him. Garrett explained.

"Did you push me on purpose?" Garrett asked simply.

"No. No I would never" Cal said horrified.

"It was an accident Cal. How can I blame you for something that you didn't mean. You were 13. It wasn't intentional. I'm ok. See?" Garrett said with his hands in the air smiling at him.

Cal smiled back him, just a little bit, and the tension seemed to leave his eyes a little.

Cal looked at him and finally asked the questions that he always wondered about.

"What happened after?"

Garrett was dreading this conversation. Seeing how guilty Cal felt, this wouldn't make it any easier. He didn't sugarcoat it.

"I'm gonna level with you Cal. It was a tough. My parents never saw me in the hospital and I never saw them again. Looking back it was a blessing, they had abused us pretty bad for years.  Allison had it horrible at home and it wasn't until years later when she turned 18 that she got me out of foster care and became my guardian. I didn't go to college and I finished highschool as soon as I could so I could work to help Allison with bills." He looked over at the back table to the group of men staring and obviously worried about how the meeting was going. He smiled at them and waved them over.

"Cal. None of that is your fault. It is what it is. I have these people that are my family now and I am happy." Garrett introduced Noah, Liam, Tyler and Alfie to Cal. "Alfie is my boyfriend." He stated the obvious when Alfie leaned in for a kiss.

Cal laughed. "I assumed so." He said shaking their hands. They chatted for a few minutes before Alie excused themselves.

"We will be here. Take your time." Alfie said leaning in for a hug.

"I've forgiven you. Now forgive yourself. I give you permission. Sam deserves that, ya know?" Garrett said with a slight smile.

"Do you have a picture of Sam" Garrett asked him. For the first time Garrett saw Cal smile. A proud smile. A genuine smile and they knew that they were going to be ok.

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