Chapter Five

13 1 0

Recommended song: Better by SYML 

January 10, 2020

Garrett's POV

"Uncle G catch me!" Mason called from the top of the couch leaping into the air.

"Mason, stop jumping off the furniture" Allison called from kitchen sternly.

"Gee monkey man I barely caught you, please don't do that ok?" Garrett said putting his nephew on the floor safely.

"Ok. Sorry". Mason looked down.

"I'm not mad. Let's just play more safely. Where's Jace? We could get out a board game while we are waiting for supper". Garrett suggested and with that Mason was running down the hall for his partner in crime. Garrett walked into the kitchen and greeted his sister.

"Hey Allison. When is Adam coming home?" He asked opening the fridge and grabbing a ginger ale.

"He should be home any minute. How was your day?" She asked stirring the Alfredo sauce and turning down the pasta.

"Really good actually" Garrett answered and she turned around immediately.

"That's awesome Garrett" she said, clearly surprised he hadn't said "living the dream" like he always replied to the question. "What's going on?" She pressed him.

"Well," he started sheepishly. "I'm in a band. Can you believe it?"

"Wow! How did this happen?" She turned the stove off completely and sit down at the table giving him her full attention.

"There was an ad in the paper last week looking for a guitarist so I answered it. Met with the guys, they're really nice. Auditioned and we have our first gig next  Friday at The Harbour."

Allison jumped up, startling him with her quick movements. "I am so excited about this. I have so many questions". Garrett laughed at her enthusiasm, which truthfully he expected nothing less. She was his biggest supporter after all. They chatted about the guys in the band and the type of music they would be playing.

Garrett was generally self conscious and uncomfortable with people he didn't know but found himself pleasantly surprised at how at ease he felt with Noah and Liam, his bandmates. They were brothers and had been playing in different bands for years.

He was still quiet and reserved but he still felt comfortable with them, especially Noah who treated him like a kid brother, but in a good way.

They had met every afternoon to practice and Liam and Noah were happy to share their experiences and teach him things about music. He immediately felt like he belonged and as foreign as a feeling it was to him he embraced it. Garrett didn't share much about his life but loved hearing about theirs. They were especially proud of their step brother and hoped to talk him into playing with their band occasionally.

Garrett smiled waiting for the reaction to what he had to tell his sister, knowing as excited she was about him being in a band his next news would definitely beat that reaction.

"So I made an appointment..." He started. She looked at him waiting for him to finish. "With a guidance counceller at the University.

She screamed and jumped up to hug him, wiping tears from her eyes as she kept hugging him.

"So what are you thinking?" She asked as she settled down.

"I honestly don't know" Garrett said, slightly defeated, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well the guidance counceller will steer you in the right direction." Allison said, patting his hands. "I'm going to check on Josie. Be right back" she said.

"Hey Garrett" Adam greeted him as he came through the door. The boys came running the greet their dad and Garrett smiled warmly at the sight.

"How was your day boys? We're you good for mom? Mason did you jump off furniture again?" Adam asked playfully but knew the answers already. He turned to Garrett. "How's my favorite brother in law?" He asked.

Garrett laughed at their usual joke. "I'm good, really good" he answered then filled him in what was going on in his life.

"You should work with children" Adam said simply which surprised Garrett. He hadn't considered it. "You are great with them and I think you would be amazing in that field."

"Thanks Adam. I will sure consider it" Garrett smiled.

"Let me ask you something". Garrett motioned for him to come closer. He knew Adam would give him a straight answer.

"Do you think I'm scary?" He asked quietly, but not quietly enough because Mason answered quickly.

"No way uncle G you're really nice. Not scary at all". He protested.

"Who is scary?" Allison asked holding Josie on her hip.

Garrett simply sighed and told them about the young man in the coffee shop, leaving out the adorable freckles.

They listened as Garrett relayed the story. Allison could understand where other people might think his solemness was intimidating and advised him to work on smiling more.

She sympathized with the situation. He had been through so much and was fearful and insecure but she knew if he reached out to people, widened his circle beyond her and her family it would open a new world to him and that is what she hoped for him.

"I think you're a wonderful young man but it wouldn't hurt for you to make more of an effort" she said simply. "Let people in so they will know just how awesome you are". He thanked her for the advice and got up to set the table. He thought about what she said throughout dinner and made a promise to at least try to open up even just a little bit. He thought about the adorable young man, whom he tended to do a lot and hoped that he would see him again. He smiled at his family and felt that maybe things would indeed get better.

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