Chapter Twelve

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Recommended song - Better by SYML

February 5, 2020

Garrett's POV

There was an energy within  Garrett that he had never had before. Garrett had gone through life anonymously, with no real purpose except survival and the hope that  things would  get better. That was all he knew.

Things had changed though. He woke earlier, smiled more, talked more, invested in people, looked around and made notes mentally of things he could discuss later.

His job wasn't as despised and his co-workers had noted a change in his attitude and appearance. His circle of acquaintes grew and for the first time in his life he was liked.

That was huge for him. He did not lower his eyes , he looked up. Gone was the scowl, replaced with a smile and yes he was still very shy, but now people were a lot more comfortable with him and made the effort to include him in conversations even if he didn't have a lot to contribute.

There was a certain person that had inspired this change in Garrett. He absolutely adored the blue eyed, mischievous little bean. He remembers watching Alfie at 5 in the morning, making his rounds and leaving bags of groceries at the seniors apartments. He was in awe of how giving Alfie was.

This was common for Alfie and as sexy and adorable as Alfie was to Garrett, it was his giving spirit that he loved the most. Loved? He asked himself. Yes love. Absolutely love. Over the moon love. Once in a lifetime love. If there was anything in the world he was sure of, that was it. He loved Alfred Bowen.

As new as the feeling was and as vulnerable as he felt, he did not shy away from his feelings. Normally such a thing would send him into a panic of being rejected or abandoned or mocked but Garrett didn't feel that. This love was a privilege and one he wanted to earn. He wanted to better himself and improve his life and he would use his painful past as the jump off place to begin his life. His new life. His purposeful life. The thought excited him.

He had phoned three people that the guidance counceller had recommended and met with two of them. They had talked about the negatives and positives about their jobs and what to expect. Mike was a residential worker who worked in a youth group home and he learned a lot from him when they met. Angela was a early childhood educator and discussed the joys of seeing children learn new skills and overcome challenges. Both meetings were positive and engaging and Garrett was definitely glad that he met them.

Sharon had asked if he could meet her at her office and he gladly accepted. She was a heavy set woman in her forties with short grey hair and a smile that covered her face. She extended her hand and shook it.

"So you are thinking about becoming a social worker?" She asked.

"I've narrowed it down to three but I want to help children." Garrett replied.

"Well the kids could use all the help they can get" she said simply. "I've been a social worker for 35 years and as much as things have changed, there are things that will always be the same. Funding, lack of front line resources, the court system, not enough foster homes, too many people playing the system. It can be frustrating and depressing and yet you carry on because you have no other choice but to do so." She looked at him and studied him for a minute.

"Without giving me the answer that you would say at a job interview what is the real reason that you want to be a social worker?" She looked at him square in the eyes and waited for an answer.

Garrett wasn't expecting the question and it left him stumbling for a moment before he spoke.

"I was the kid that social workers didn't know about. The one where the teachers looked away from, neighbors turned the other way, people were scared and didn't want to get involved. My sister and I were left to fend for ourselves. My parents were abusive, cruel and if it wasn't for my sister rescuing me I would be dead by now". His answer was blunt and honest.

"That's the reality that tragically is part of our job. For all of the kids we know about, there are so many more that we don't know about. I'm glad your sister was there for you. Are you two close?" She asked smiling.

"Oh yes. She's my best friend. She married a great guy and they have three awesome kids. She did well" he said proudly.

"I hope you choose this as your path in your career. As difficult it is, and frustrating, and sad, there are so many good things too" she pointed to the bulletin board behind her.

"These are the kids that have been adopted. The ones where the system worked in their favor, where the judge relinquished the rights of abusive parents, these are the lucky ones. They are sibling groups, kids with disabilities, older kids and kids that have been through hell and by the grace of God they now have parents that think that they are the best part of their life. This is the best reward." Garrett looked at all of the families on the bulletin board and chocked up. "Second chances" he said quietly.

"Yeah". Sharon nodded. "There is someone I want you to meet".  Garrett turned to look at her questioningly.

"His name is Tyler. You remind me of him. He's at UBC studying to be a lawyer so he can change laws to help the kids in care.

Garrett smiled. "I would love to meet him".

"Great. I will set something up."

They sat and talked for another 30 minutes and by the end of the conversation Garrett had made up his mind. He was going to be a social worker. His heart felt full and he felt like he had the world in his hands.

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