Chapter Four

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Recommended song: Suburbia by Troye Sivan 

Photo of the Bowen family home. Shaunessey, Vancouver, BC

Alfie's POV

He stuffed his hands in his coat pockets and waited on the skytrain platform,  his thoughts sliding back to the bearman.

Why was he so scared of him? He wondered. That was completely out of character for him. He worked with at risk youth, volunteered at the soup kitchen for years and of his interactions were with the less fortunate, the poor, and he wasn't scared of them. Their behaviors were not off-putting and they neither scared nor intimidated him.

The thoughts troubled him as he got on the skytrain and settled down on the seat. It was a 20 minute ride to his dad and stepmoms so he had some time to think about it.

What exactly was it? Alfred mused. Obviously not his long hair. Most of his friends had long hair, not the beard since he found it very attractive. Was it because he didn't smile? Well that wasn't a big deal, Alfred reasoned.

He just had a was his eyes! Alfred realized. Gosh those eyes, Alfred thought heating up slightly. Those eyes could see through his soul.

No, he wasn't scared of him. He was intrigued.

It was odd that he was still thinking about bearman. Maybe because he hadn't been attracted to anyone in years. Never gave in to it. It had caught him so off guard that he felt like he was a bit off course and needed a moment to gather his thoughts.

The skytrain stopped and he got off, walking down the stairs to street level and walking the ten minutes until he got to his family home. He grew up in this house and had wonderful memories.

Alfred was six when his mom died of breast cancer. When she died,  he was young enough to not have enough memories to fill a book but old enough to feel her loss.

After his mom passed away, it was just him and his dad for five years. Alfred Sr. had met Natalie through the Red Cross. She was a nurse and often traveled out of the country to help those in need. She had been a widow for eight years, with two young sons to raise. Natalie's first husband  was a doctor and on his way home from work when he was struck by a drunk driver. Natalie moved back with her parents so they could help her boys and rebuild their lives.

When Alfie met Noah and Liam he was 11, Liam was 14 and Noah was 16. He was overjoyed to have two brothers and  realistically expected to be disregarded as a pesky little brother that they wouldn't take time or interest in. He couldn't have been more wrong. They instantly included him in their activities, their friends and we're happy to shoot hoops and hang out. They all immediately formed a close-knit family unit which Alfie often looks back on and thinks how remarkable the transition was.

He was grateful to his family for always supporting him and encouraging him. Alfred Sr. was the kind of man every kid would want for a dad. He gave life lessons for every situation.

Alfred Sr. taught his namesake how to share  with others, be kind, be generous, be patient, be honest, be hardworking, be a good friend. He wouldn't just say it, he lived by the principal's and set the best example for his son.

Alfred Sr. started the soup kitchen with Alfie's mom when they were in college and as much as they were poor starving students there were others that were far worse off. The used the kitchen at the University and with a large group of friends they made 300 sandwiches and baked dozens of cookies and handed it out on the streets. They did it every Saturday throughout their years at UBC and simply carried it over after they graduated.

The Red Cross was both his career and passion. He was often sent across the world to aide in disaster relief.

His grandfather, also named Alfred, was a force to be reckoned with. If there was one thing the fierce Scotsman was passionate about and that was helping his fellow man. His career with the Red Cross started when he was 16 and even after retirement he was still a vital member through volunteering and sharing his experiences. He had traveled the world many times over, going on the front lines of wars, natural disasters and everything that affected the well being of man he was there to lend a hand.

So it was as natural to Alfie to help others. It was like breathing to him. The crisis in Wuhan worried him. Everyday on the news was more devastating stories from the city that he once called home. The city was currently under strict lockdown and he worried about his friends that he hadn't heard from.

He met Noah and Liam in the driveway and greeted them happily.

"Hey, what's up?" Alfie asked as they walked in the house giving them each a hug.

"Not much. Just working, playing a bit here and there with the band. That's about it. Dan quit the group, he's moving back to Nova Scotia. His dad is really sick. We put an ad in the paper. Met some guys, they were alright,  but just one we think will be great. He's really shy and quiet but seems like he will fit in well."

"We're playing our first gig with the new guy next Friday at The Harbour. Gonna come?" Liam asked.

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it". Alfie grinned as Liam ruffled his hair.

Over dinner they all caught up with each other's news. Since they had dinner together every week and there were phonecalls made between them so often,  there wasn't much new, but it didn't slow any  conversation in the least.

Soon their talk turned to Wuhan and Alfred surmissed what would be taking place next. The virus was spreading to other countries; the Phillipines, Japan and South Korea were infected and they knew that it was only a matter of time before the virus would be impacting them at home.

Coronavirus was beginning to take a lot of time on the news and he had heard a lot of conversations both at school and on the skytrain about it. It was becoming obvious that it was soon not just a "Chinese virus" but a world wide flu.

Alfred Sr and Natalie had years of experience with the Red Cross and were educated about pandemics so their worried faces gave Alfie a great deal of concern. .

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