Chapter Nine

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A/N I love the sibling relationship between Allison and Garrett.

Recommend Song: by SYML

February 1, 2020

Garrett's POV

A new schedule had begun, one that was having a positive affect on Garrett. Since he had met with the course counceller at UBC, he had a better idea of what direction he wanted to steer his University education. Leaving the university grounds that day he felt inspired.

He still hadn't decided on what program but had it narrowed down to three. Allison had suggested talking to people in those fields to get a better idea on the job market once he graduated and he had set up meetings the next week to do just that.

He woke earlier in the day and often walked to the school to meet Alfie and walk him home. They would go to "their coffee shop" (as Alfie called it making Garrett smile so wide when he first said it).

It was the highlight of his day. He loved listening to his adorable little button in his suit and tie, talking about world events and his interests. Alfie did most of the talking but Garrett was working hard to contribute. He was slowly breaking Garrett's walls down and Garrett was feeling more relaxed as the days went on.

They were both busy with work; Alfie getting the students ready for the talent show and Garrett's band but they made time for each other. It was a nice balance.

One thing that stuck out to Garrett was how open Alfie was about his sexuality. He admired that. Not even Allison knew that Garrett was gay, He had kept it a secret, a dark secret for so long and he had never felt the urge to disclose it. Until now.

He hadn't told Allison about Alfie and it was weighing down on him. He knew she would support him, that he had no doubt. The habit of hiding behind the wall he had built to keep the secrets hidden away was slowly breaking away.

Alfie had definitely made a difference with striping away some of Garrett's shell, but it was also his new found friendships with Alfie's  step brothers that was also changing him.

Liam and Noah spent a lot of time with him and although he didn't open up about his past he was much better at conversing with them. He could joke and laugh and wasn't scared of being rejected or made fun of. To him they were like older brothers that taught him cool stuff about music and bands and actually listened when he spoke.

It was something he hadn't experienced before and he was like a sponge soaking up everything they offered him. He never felt like a burden to them. He knew they genuinely liked him and wanted him to be happy.

He took care of what he wore and took time to style his hair. He wanted to look attractive to Alfie.

Allison had noticed the changes and was happy for him. She had met Noah and Liam at a band practice. She brought the kids and the brothers doted on them. A sense of relief filled her when she saw how they treated Garrett and she was happy with the peace that seemed to have found her brother.

As comfort and calmness had found Garrett, he felt it was time to have a talk with Allison.  He just felt it was time to start admitting that he was gay, for others to accept him because he finally accepted himself.

Adam had offered him a ride to their house, which he gladly accepted, and the two chatted on the drive. He asked Adam to keep the kids busy for a bit so he could talk to Allison without being interrupted. This made Adam curious, since they never needed privacy while talking but Adam told him to take his time.

Allison handed him a glass of gingerale and waited for Garrett to speak. He had something on his mind, that much was obvious and she knew him well enough to let him take his time beginning the conversation.

"There is something I would like to tell you." He began. Allison merely nodded.

"I am gay". Garrett surprised himself for blurting it out so abruptly. He had a script prepared in his mind but really it came down to those three words. I am gay. He thought of how incredibly freeing those three words were. He expected different reactions from Allison, all being supportive but what she said surprised him.

"Soooooo. Who is he?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Who is who?" He asked baffled.

"Garrett, first of all you look happy, you are more confident, I catch you with a faraway look in your eyes and a smile. There is someone."

He didn't bother to deny it. It was fruitless anyway.

"His name is Alfie. He is Noah and Liam's step brother. He is a teacher, plays the violin and fiddle, volunteers at the soup kitchen and he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

"Wow Garrett. He sounds amazing". She smiled encouragingly at him.

"He is'. Garrett said proudly.

"Does he like you back?"

Garrett thought for a moment. Does he like me? He wondered. He thought about the time  he spent with Alfie. Although he had never had anything close to being in a relationship he was certain of this.

"Yes" Garrett beamed when he said it. He couldn't keep the grin off of his face the rest of the evening and Adam kept looking at him, wondering what they talked about that left Garrett looking so happy.

"So have you been on a date yet?" Allison pried like the.older sister that she was.

"Not yet. But soon" he paused.

"I don't know how to ask" he finally admitted.

"Flowers" Mason said walking into the room. "You ask someone out with flowers" Garrett looked at his young nephew incredulously..

"Ya?" Garrett he asked bewildered at how the conversation was heading.

"Yep. When Daddy brings mommy flowers she always gives him a kiss." Jace giggled. Garrett blushed profusely.

"It's a he, so I don't know if he will like flowers". He had just come out to his nephew and wasn't sure how that would go over.

"Cool" he replied quickly " but everyone likes flowers" he said simply.

Garrett smiled and hugged his nephew. "You're right. Everyone does like flowers."

Adam took a moment and with no judgement whatsoever he offered "Take him out for dinner, somewhere nice. And definitely flowers." He said nodding to Mason.

Garrett felt his eyes pool with tears, to be accepted with no hesitation meant the world to him. Not only accepting, but supporting him. He didn't speak but went around the table and hugged his family.

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