Chapter Eleven

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Recommended song - Bed by SYML

February 2, 2020

Garret's POV

His hands roamed Alfie's soft and lean body. He had never felt anything so exquisite before, so absolutely perfect. Alfie's body responded to his every touch, every kiss, every sound that his body gave him. There was nothing he wanted more than to lay him down and ravage him. To make Alfie his. To claim him as his own. He wanted to make love to Alfie with every fibre in his being.

They removed their shirts and when Alfie buried his face in Garrett's chest, he thought he had died and gone to heaven. Just as he savored the blissful moment of Alfie's face pressed against his chest it was at that moment that he panicked. He did not want Alfie to touch his scars.

His heinous scars that made him look and feel so ugly. He needed to talk to Alfie before things went any further. The feeling of dread filled his heart. Just the idea of Alfie looking at his back with disgust saddened him.

"Alfie" he said after he stopped kissing him so suddenly. He repeated his name. When Alfie stopped and looked at Garrett he could tell that he had embarrassed Alfie.  The look of disappointment in Alfie's eyes made him frown. He quickly moved off of Garrett's lap and sat beside him, looking even smaller than usual.

"Im sorry" Alfie began, his face looking down. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Garrett lifted Alfie's chin so he would look at him.

"No Alfie. You don't understand. I want to tell you some things before we go further". He smiled at him and Alfie seemed relieved.

"Uh. I don't know where to start" Garrett said suddenly stuck for words. Alfie took his hand and rested his legs on Garrett's lap, quietly giving him strength.

"Well first of all, that was my first kiss and it was just.... Wow!!" Garrett said laughing, it was the icebreaker that they needed.

"It really was quite wow" Alfie nodded and smiled brightly at him.

"I have no experience. I have never been with anyone. Never had a relationship. Never been on a date. Never been kissed. Nothing. I don't want to do anything wrong". He said looking at his fingers.

"Garrett, Garrett look at me" Alfie said gently and waited for his bearman to look at him before continuing. "We can go at whatever pace you want.  I may have gotten a little carried away and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Garrett smiled at him and nodded. "You didn't make me uncomfortable." He placed a quick peck on his lips before continuing.

"There is something else" Garrett said tentatively. "Um. I have some scars" he said, waiting a few moments before he took a deep sigh and turned around, his back facing Alfie.

He heard him gasp and Garrett looked down, eyes filling with years. He's disgusted he thought sadly and quickly reached down to grab his shirt from the floor. He felt Alfie take the shirt from him and put it beside him.

Suddenly he felt finger tips caress his back. His burns had lost a lot of nerves so it felt weird to feel his fingers then not then feel them again across his back. "Oh Bear" he whispered. He felt his lips touch his back so softly and it was then that Garrett completely broke down.

"It's ok Bear. It's ok" Alfie quietly repeated, kissing his scars in reasurrance.

Alfie used his fingertips, lips and cheek to sooth Garrett's scars, providing him with the comfort that he has always yearned for. Alfie took his time quietly caressing his back, soothing his arms, Alfie's lips found Garrett's neck and soft pecks dotted up and down his arched neck.  Every motion that Alfie made added more fuel to Garrett's fire. He was rock hard and was being driven crazy by Alfie's  movements.

Garrett moaned deeply and turned around to face Alfie.  Their lips connected and as passionate as it was there was a new found tenderness between them. The raw feelings between them could barely be contained as they each felt the urgent need to become one entity.

It was something neither had felt before. Sure, Garrett had feelings of lust and sexual awareness. He was a healthy young man and obviously relieved himself often. He certainly had sexual feelings and urges even though he was inexperienced. The lack of a partner didn't diminish his sexual desires.

Alfie had a high sex drive and when he was with Colin, their relationship was very sexual. There were times that he thought maybe that was too big of a part of their relationship.

He had  abstained from sex for the last three years and Alfie was finding it very difficult to contain his primative urges. It wasn't just the act itself, he missed intimacy.

It wasn't the right moment though. He knew that. Their emotions were too raw, their feelings too close to the surface. It was too soon. He slowly broke away from Garrett and pressed his head against Garrett's head.

He listened to his bear breathing, catching his breath. As if he read his mind, Garrett said exactly how he was feeling.

"Let's wait Alfie. It's been too emotional of a day. I want to be with you but when we are..." Garrett was trying to find the word.

"More" Alfie said smiling, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Yes, more. When we are more". Garrett said smiling. "I can't believe you are real." He said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Alfie wasn't expecting a comment like that.

"That time in the coffee shop. I saw you and thought maybe you weren't real. I stood as still as I could and didn't blink" he said laughing at the memory.

Alfie turned red. "I was so embarassed that you caught me staring at you".

"I wanted you to say hi" Garrett looked at him "but you ran off". He reached for Alfie's hand. "I never thought I would see you again. I'm just so happy how things have turned out. Sorry if that's too fast to say that" Garrett laughed nervously.

"Do you know what we have working in our favor?" Alfie asked Garrett.


"Neither of us are really that experienced so this is new and scary and exciting for both of us. It's kind of nice to say what we want to without being guarded".

Garrett thought about it for a minute and agreed. "Say, why do you call me bear?"

Alfie wrapped his arms around the gentle giant and looked adoringly at him. "The moment I saw you I thought "he's a bear. Your wild hair, omg your beard!! You are so much bigger than me. You are like a bear. My bear". Alfie beamed at him.

"I was thinking of shaving my beard..." Garrett begun.

"Noooooo no no no Garrett" Alfie said loudly, jumping up. "Do not shave your beard" and with that he buried his face in his beard and nuzzled him.

Garrett let out a belly laugh. "Okay okay. You win" and he had a feeling Alfie would always win and he was okay with that.

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