57 ~ An eye for an eye

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Heyyyy I'm back on my bullshit with another chapter of over 7000 words!!

I've mapped out all of the chapters until the end of this book, and if all goes to plan and I stick to what I've decided for the chapters' contents, we have exactly 10 chapters to go before the end of this fic!!! (Plus, we're getting so close to 100K!!)

I don't even know how I feel about the story ending though, having it come to a close doesn't even feel real, it's been present for such a huge part of my life now (almost five years) that I don't think I can fully grasp what it means. But knowing that I'll only be posting ten more times on this story feels weird now that I know that I can put a finger down every time I post a new one.

BUT there's no use in getting too sentimental now, who knows how long it'll take me to actually write these chapters, so...

Semester has started a few weeks ago, but I'm very proud of myself for having found the time to write this chapter before getting submerged by work again, so I hope you enjoy! :)

PS there are some kinda explicit scenes in this chapter

<<<Day 238>>>

Adelina and Gabriel had decided to have a lazy morning. The lost girl didn't have to supervise training that day as the majority of her group had been sent off hunting and, as second in command, she had the power to excuse her young friend from any training she wanted.

For that reason, and because Adelina thought that they had deserved a break and some fun to make up for all of the trying times they had gone through the past months, she had let the child choose what he wanted to do for one morning. Both of them could use some lighthearted fun and, as long as Gabriel was enjoying himself, so would she.

"So? What would you want to do?"

His eyes had lit up when she had asked him and she had imagined that he would have asked for something extravagant, like swimming with mermaids or flying over the island; that was what she had imagined any young child would dream of. His small lips had quivered with excitement as he'd formulated his wish.

"Can we have breakfast in bed?"

The lost girl's heart had melted at the request. It was so simple, so pure. "Of course, let me take care of it and tomorrow you won't even have to get out of bed, okay?"

With a ruffle through his hair, she'd sought out the boys who were tasked with the food preparation the next day. She'd kindly asked for a breakfast basket to be made for her and Gabriel, a request they had been happy to oblige to, though she guessed it was probably more due to the fact that she held authority over them rather than by the pure kindness of their hearts.

"So? How's breakfast?" Adelina asked Gabriel as she took a sip of her juice.

Gabriel was lying next to her in her bed, still dressed in the pajamas he had brought over the night before for an impromptu sleepover, shoveling bread into his mouth. "Awesome," was the only muffled response she could get out of him.

Eyes sparkling and grinning from ear to ear, the youngster reveled in what he felt was the fanciest way a person could live. Spreading jam onto another piece of toast, he finished it off with one large bite, then sank back into his pillow contentedly. He let out a small belch which made the both of them laugh.

"Wait, don't move," she giggled as she took a cloth napkin to wipe away the excess strawberry jam around his mouth. The motherly gesture conjured a bittersweet pang in her chest. "There you go."

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