27 ~ Loraine

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Okay so school has officially started again, but don't worry, I've got at least a couple more chapters that should be ready pretty soon, so the next update shouldn't be in too long...
That being said, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and good luck to all of you who already have or are going to start school again!!

<<<Day 43>>>

An unpleasant sensation had settled in Adelina's stomach. She felt queasy and her body, although tired, felt restless, yet she was still in the goddamned cage and couldn't relieve the persistent feeling. Increasingly nauseous, she guessed it was from the putrid odors, she was relieved to see Aiden making his way towards her. The smell that had stagnated around her for the last four days, along with the cramped up space, had not helped her feel any better, or rested for that matter.

"You're free to go now," Aiden said with a small smile as he unlocked her cage door, freeing her, and this time for good. Slowly crawling out, she felt dizzy as she stood up, yet dismissed it as her brain not getting enough blood after laying on the ground for so long.

After having thanked him though, she asked, "But where's Gabriel? He said that he wanted to be the one to let me out today."

"He's practicing swordplay with Serge."

She noticed the slight apprehension in his eyes as he looked at her, the slight tension in his oddly distanced body, and she sighed. "You're not scared of me now, are you?"

"No," but at her raised eyebrow he conceded. "Maybe a little bit. I know you'd never hurt me intentionally, but... magic can be unpredictable." He shrugged.

"Well don't worry," she reassured him as they both made their way towards the clearing. Walking should've felt amazing after so long, yet all she could do was concentrate to try and steady her shaking members. "Whatever I did, I'm unable to do that again, so none of you have anything to fear from me."

He chuckled, seeming slightly relieved. She knew that because of Pan, they all distrusted those who possessed magic.

"Let's get some food into you," he said, now cheerful, as he led her towards the fire where the remnants of the morning's breakfast lay.

Adelina's stomach roiled at the idea of food as another wave of nausea gripped her. "I'm okay," she dismissed the offer. "I'm not really hungry."

Aiden looked at her confusedly, frowning slightly. "But... I was told you didn't even get to eat last night. You should be starving!"

Adelina shrugged him off. "It's okay, anyways, I really need to get to practicing hand to hand combat." She quickly counted the days in her head. "I've only got four days left to beat someone, so I'm going to use up all the time I'm given."

"Okay," he nodded slowly, still looking at her, slightly worried. Was it his imagination, or was she paler than usual?

Seeing his expression, Adelina laughed. "Come on! Stop worrying!" She punched him on the shoulder playfully. "If you want to find me, you know where I'll be."

Turning around, she headed towards the training clearing, leaving him there. Yet, as she sauntered under the sweltering heat, her smile faltered, and so did her step. She was feeling increasingly lightheaded, and she was out of his sight now as she staggered over to a tree, leaning heavily against it. Her breath had been stolen from her and she vainly tried to get it back. Her hands shook terribly as she made her way down the trail to the practice grounds, yet her dizziness got the best of her and she stumbled, barely catching herself against another trunk in time. She was breathing heavily now, sweat beading on her forehead and her legs trembling, barely supporting her weight. Someone was coming down the path and she turned towards the sound, suddenly scared. The movement made her vision go blurry, and she blinked, trying to get her vision to focus and the black spots to clear.

Potential for Darkness (Peter Pan)//(Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now