6 ~ Training

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Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god GGUUUYYYSSS I finally got my filthy hands on Harry Potter and the cursed child and I am honestly so excited like I love it although I promised myself only to read 100 pages per day but I'm loving it and omg

Anyways I'll cut short the fangirling

I'll try to keep updating at least once a week, and I know that it's less frequent than my previous book but I'm starting my first year of the Swiss equivalent of high school, and all the free time I've had before will be more restricted. Although, I've already started on a planning of my time so that I can work for school yet still have time to write so I'm looking forwards to that.
Every time I listen to Katy Perry's song Rise I can't stop thinking of Adelina... It's just so powerful and ugh I love it

Anyways, I'm done with life updates, again, thanks for reading, hopefully you'll enjoy(:

<<<Day 3>>>

Birds were chirping merrily in the trees, slowly waking Adelina up. Groggily, she rolled onto her side, opening her eyes ever so slightly. Bright sunlight poured in from her windows, late morning sunlight. Great, she thought bitterly, still no one had bothered to wake her up.

But she was slowly getting used to waking up to silence. No Angie knocking on her bedroom door asking her to come play. No Jamie chattering cheerily yet tiredly in the living room with their mother about college. No soft hiss of the frying pan or the heavenly warm smell of pancakes their dad made on Saturday mornings.

A hollow pang of homesickness ached in her chest, spiking as she entered the deserted clearing. Right, she remembered, no one cared about her here. She could drop dead this moment and no one would think twice about her.

Adelina played with a hole in her top. Looking down at her worn, dirty clothes, she made a mental note to remember to ask Pan for new ones. She'd already rummaged through all of her drawers in her treehouse, yet they were all empty. Trying to wipe off as much dirt as possible from her shorts, she made her way towards the training clearing.

With Michael dead, she had lost the only help she'd been able to find so far. She knew it was wrong to miss Michael only for what he could've provided her with, but it was true. Now, she was going to have to find others willing to help. Since they were all congregated in one clearing, that was the logical place to go to next.

Walking down the path in the forest, alone, Adelina heard the noise coming from the clearing before she saw it. There was the clanging of metal on metal, probably swords, whistling sounds followed by thunks that could only be arrows.  Then of course there was the buzzing sound of voices, the shouts, the conversations, the laughs, the taunting yells that filled the clearing and nearby jungle with life. Once she arrived at the mouth of the glade, she halted, her eyes searching through the bustling bodies for Felix's blond hair, but she didn't find him.

A heavy, hard hand landed almost painfully on her shoulder. "Adelina, isn't it?" a deep, throaty voice asked from behind her. She whirled around, coming face to face with Brute Boy. "I'm Ryan," he told her, an unsettling grin on his lips as he held out his hand for her to shake. Not forgetting Michael's warnings about him, she took his proffered hand cautiously and shook it, his palm was rough and calloused, his grip almost too firm around her knuckles. Quickly letting go of his hand, she looked up into his face; startling golden eyes framed by a shock of dark hair, freckles sprinkling the skin around his nose. "May I ask though," he started, leaning his face uncomfortably close to her face, "just what you're doing here?"

Potential for Darkness (Peter Pan)//(Robbie Kay)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon