36 ~ The lost satchel

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Sorry for the long wait, the last few weeks have been hectic, but I hope the length of the chapter will make up for it.
I also took a long time cause there are a few parts of this chapter that I'm not quite happy with, and I haven't been able to write them in a way that satisfies me but since it's been a long time I've decided to update anyway, cause I figured you guys would rather have a partially crappy chapter than no chapter at all

<<<Day 78>>>

The night had crept over the island silently, so that no one noticed that the darkness had impregnated every single crevice with its soft nothingness, until the cold arrived. Most of the lost boys were huddled around the campfire, exhausted from their day of hunting, and only stared wordlessly at the flames flickering in front of them. Adelina was there too, huddled against Felix for warmth. Absentmindedly, Felix traced patterns on her arm, his finger lightly brushing against the material of her jacket. An overwhelming atmosphere of peace and security hung over the camp as the silence continued infinitely, some lost boys starting to fall asleep. Adelina sighed contentedly, resting her head against her friend's shoulder, her eyes starting to droop. Noticing her sleepy state, Felix smiled, brushing her hair softly. This was what home felt like, she thought contentedly.

"Ugh! This is so boring! Doesn't anyone want to do anything?" Ryan burst the cocoon of quiescence with his loud complaints.

Slowly, the lost boys stirred from their lethargy to look up at the source of the commotion, who was standing up in the middle of the ring of boys, looking at them expectantly.

"Well, any ideas?" he prompted impatiently, looking around the circle for anything worth his while.

"We could play some music," a still half-asleep lost boy offered.

Ryan waved away his proposition disdainfully. "We already do that too often, find something else."

"Maybe we could play hide and seek, or tag?"

"Without Pan?" A burst of suggestions followed the refusal, so that none of them were intelligible.

"-or we could go back to sleep," one muttered resentfully, yet no one heard him.

"How about a game of dares?" Connor suggested. The clamor died down as everyone looked at Ryan expectantly to see what he would say.

"Now we're talking," Ryan grinned as he licked his lips hungrily. Sitting down on one of the highest boulders, he self-proclaimed himself leader of the game. "Alright, who wants to go first?"

At first no one dared move, then timidly, Clayton raised his hand. When Ryan nodded at him to show his accord, the black-skinned boy turned to smile flirtatiously at Adelina across the circle or lost boys. "Adelina, truth or dare?"

Before she could reply truth, Ryan interrupted. "Truth or dare? What is that? This is a game of dares! There's no sissy choice in this game!"

"Very well," Clayton grinned as he winked at her. "I dare you to kiss me."

Adelina rolled her eyes, having expected that much of him. "Only if you want to be running five miles every morning before and after practice," she replied testily, raising her voice so that he could hear her over the crackling of the fire.

"Fine," he countered, his mischievous grin still not wiped off his face. "I dare you to never use extra running as a form of punishment."

"Done," she chuckled, winking right back at him, which surprised him so much that a blush creeped over his cheeks.

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